FEDERAL OFFICES in the Washington, DC, area are OPEN March 18, 2014

By U.S. ArmyMarch 18, 2014

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*** Updated Tuesday, 18 March 2014 at 6 a.m. ***

Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall -- including Fort Myer, Va., Fort McNair, D.C., and Henderson Hall, Va. -- is OPEN today, Tuesday, 18 March and road conditions are GREEN, meaning they are dry and normal driving conditions and government-authorized dispatch procedures apply. Employees are expected to report to work on time.

In the event of weather-related closures, JBM-HH personnel follow the guidance of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) which provides "open" or "closed" status for all government agencies inside the Washington, D.C., beltway.

If you have a question on your duty status, contact your supervisor.

Partner organization personnel should inquire within the chain of command.

See OPM guidance at www.opm.gov/status or call them at 202-606-1900. JBM-HH will also have updated information at www.army.mil/jbmhh, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/jbmhh, Twitter at www.twitter.com/jbmhh and the commander's information hotline at 703-696-6906.

Information on Road Conditions --

When road conditions are "green," the roads are dry, and normal driving conditions and government-authorized dispatch procedures apply.

"Amber" means use caution. Normal dispatch procedures apply, but roads may be slippery due to rain, snow or ice.

"Red" indicates hazardous driving conditions. Officials urge no unnecessary travel, since roads are covered with ice or hard-packed snow, and visibility is limited. Tire chains are recommended for all series of vehicles authorized to use them under "red" conditions, and dispatches must be authorized and signed by the commander or director.

"Black" denotes extremely dangerous and even life-threatening conditions. Heavy snow, high winds and zero visibility may leave some roads completely unplowed. Only emergency vehicles and traffic associated with national defense are allowed on the roads.

Joint Base Myer - Henderson Hall (JBM-HH) includes Fort Myer, Henderson Hall and Fort McNair.

Related Links:

NIOSH Workplace Safety and Health Topics: HAZARDS TO OUTDOOR WORKERS

OPM Current Status

Cold Weather Injuries Poster

NIOSH Fast Facts: Protecting Yourself from Cold Stress