Fort Carson receives program federal energy award

By Susan C. Galentine (Fort Carson)July 18, 2013

FORT CARSON, Colo. -- Fort Carson received the Superior Program honor for the Army from the Federal Energy Management Program Awards, announced July 3.

The annual FEMP awards, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy in conjunction with the Federal Interagency Energy Policy Committee, recognize individuals and organizations making significant contributions to energy and water efficiency within the federal government.

The Mountain Post has a long energy and water conservation history tracing back to when Fort Carson adopted sustainability goals in 2002 and through its commitment in 2011 to become an Army Net Zero energy, water and waste installation by 2020.

Through a number of energy and water projects, Fort Carson reduced its energy use 1.5 percent and its water use by 2 percent between fiscal 2011-2012 -- saving more than $267,000 a year in utility costs.

"It is an honor to be recognized for the hard work of many on Fort Carson in reducing our energy and water use," said Hal Alguire, DPW director. "The Army has made a commitment to be a strong steward of resources and Fort Carson, through its 'net zero' energy, water and waste initiatives, continues to look for innovative ways to save energy and water."

Fort Carson is receiving recognition for its efforts in developing partnerships with organizations such as the National Renewable Energy Laboratories and pursuing demonstrations for new technologies through the Environmental Security and Technology Certification Program. These partnerships led to demonstrations of a concentrated solar heating and power dish and a woody biomass system that creates synthetic gas to fuel a combined heat and power system. New construction including green building techniques, energy efficiency reduction projects and efforts to reduce water consumption were also key aspects of the award.

Specific projects cited in the nomination include:

--Certification of Fort Carson's first (Army's second) U.S. Green Building Council platinum-level Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LEED facility, the 4th Brigade Combat Team brigade and battalion headquarters. The headquarters features a 482 kilowatt ground-mounted tracking photo-voltaic system; water efficient irrigation and fixtures, which contribute to a 41 percent reduction in water use compared to standard construction; solar water heating; and a highly efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

--Replacement of older lighting fixtures with more energy-efficient fixtures in 22 buildings. Facilities targeted for lighting replacement were older motor pools, gymnasiums, warehouses and a hangar. The project included adding lighting controls such as occupancy sensors and timers to further reduce energy consumption. The effort is anticipated to save the post $60,000 a year in reduced electrical costs.

--Expansion of the post's energy management control system to 35 additional facilities. It is estimated the project, which allows set points to be established and monitoring of the energy systems for buildings, will save $73,000 per year in reduced natural gas and electricity costs.

--Completion of a water leak detection survey for more than 16 miles of water lines, approximately 20 percent of the post. The survey focused on where the oldest water lines are located and discovered that 57,000 gallons a day were lost due to leaks. Savings from the repairs are estimated to save $72,000 in water utility costs.

--Installation of a computerized weather-tracking irrigation system, which uses global positioning system technology and weather stations on post to apply the right amount of water based on current weather conditions. It is anticipated that eliminating water wasted irrigating landscaped areas will save Fort Carson more than $300,000 per year through a 20-percent water use reduction.