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Army Unified Network Plan

Friday, December 3, 2021

What is it?

The Army Unified Network Plan brings together multiple complex network modernization efforts into a single, comprehensive and coherent approach. The plan shapes, synchronizes, integrates and governs Unified Network efforts and aligns personnel, organizational structure and capabilities required to enable multi-domain operations (MDO) at all echelons.

What are the current and past efforts of the Army?

The Unified Network will integrate the Army’s various network efforts to allow secure and seamless communications using mission networks, support to Joint All Domain Command and Control with sister services, and the mission partner environment with the partners and allies.

The plan’s five lines of effort are:

  • Establish the Unified Network — Integrate and align the Integrated Tactical Network and Integrated Enterprise Network, as well as converge multiple, disparate mission and theater networks into the Army Unified Network to support MDO by 2028 while also aligning network modernization efforts
  • Posture the Force — Focus on the people, both military and civilian, and provide training and organizational systems needed to successfully compete, operate and fight in an MDO environment
  • Security and Survivability — Secure and defend the Unified Network whether in competition, crisis or conflict to provide the means of applying strategic, operational and tactical effects
  • Reform Processes and Policies — Establish a government and management framework for balanced, efficient and effective investments
  • Network Sustainment — Continuously reassess and evolve the Unified Network as technology and threats change

What continued efforts does the Army have planned?

By implementing the Army Unified Network Plan, the Army will be able to:

  • Synchronize network modernization, the critical element for achieving the Army’s transformation to an MDO-capable force by 2028.
  • Deliver the Unified Network, a weapons platform that enables Army formations’ operations in highly contested and congested operational environments with speed and at global range to enable decision dominance.

Why is this important to the Army?

The Unified Network underpins the Army’s modernization priorities and sets the Army on a path to ensure technological dominance against the adversaries and establishes the foundation of the implementation plan.


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December 2021

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Focus Quote for the Day

“The Army network may not be our official number one priority, but it underpins all of our modernization efforts. It must be resilient, it must be reliable and it must be able to operate in the dirt in a contested environment. This is the heart of Project Convergence.”

— Gen. James McConville, Chief of Staff of the Army