Friday, October 16, 2020
What is it?
Regionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model (ReARMM) is a flexible, predictable force generation process that will create an Army that is regionally and functionally capable of supporting the Nation’s Defense Strategy (NDS).
What are the current and past efforts of the Army?
In 2018, after the publication of the NDS’ Dynamic Force Employment (DFE) construct, the Army began to develop concepts to enable modernization of the force while not sacrificing readiness for current demands.
In 2020, Army Senior Leaders approved ReARMM for planning purposes in order to integrate and synchronize force employment and modernization across the Total Army (Regular Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve).
Advantages of ReARMM:
What continued efforts does the Army have planned?
ReARMM will facilitate consistent, manageable OPTEMPO, increased predictability for training and force employment, and prioritization of modernization.
Why is this important to the Army?
The current force readiness and modernization models are optimized for past conflicts. The Army’s capacity for transformational change depends on simultaneously meeting current demand to be ready for competition, crisis and conflict while modernizing the force for the future. ReARMM structures the Army to respond to day-to-day competition requirements while posturing to respond to Crisis and win in Conflict.
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Our future readiness depends on the simultaneity of modernizing the force for the future, while also meeting the current demands and having ready forces at the tactical and operational level.
— Lt. Gen. Charles A. Flynn, Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7