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Army Strategic Power Projection

Friday, January 17, 2020

What is it?

Strategic Power Projection encompasses the U.S. Army’s ability to move troops and equipment, and includes the ports, roads, airfields, railheads and Army Prepositioned Stocks (APS) which enable the Army to rapidly deploy. Army installations are power projection platforms supporting the Total Army to mobilize and generate the forces required, and project those forces anywhere in the world at any time.

Strategic Power Projection is a critical element of the strategic support area, where military might is generated, projected and sustained during the fight.

What are the current and past efforts of the Army?

The Army Strategy delineates force projection as a key element of building readiness. The materiel enterprise is a key enabler of Army force projection.

  • Through training and exercises, such as the DEFENDER series, the Army is rebuilding critical capabilities and skills necessary to quickly and efficiently support mobilization requirements.
  • In four months (September to December 2019), the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command deployed and redeployed eight brigade combat team-sized forces totaling more than 2.6 million square feet of combat power through U.S. ports.
  • The volume, tempo and complexity of movements – of both troops and equipment – is at a high watermark and is in line with the Dynamic Force Employment concept in the National Defense Strategy.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned?

Strategic Power Projection capabilities must be modernized to support next-generation platforms.

Development of a comprehensive facilities infrastructure strategy will ensure the Army prioritizes the modernization of power projection platforms, maintaining the Army’s strategic advantage. The Army’s is review of all Army Prepositioned Stock sites to ensure equipment sets are located, sized and configured to best meet theater requirements.

Why is this important to the Army?

Strategic Power Projection ensures the Army’s ability to mobilize, deploy, employ, sustain and redeploy Soldiers and equipment from its installations forward to the tactical edge. Soldiers cannot fight and win on the battlefield without weapons to fire, tanks to drive, food to eat and the logistics support to ensure those necessities get to the right place at the right time. The Army’s ability to rapidly and effectively deploy and sustain combat credible forces is a critical component to Army readiness and a strategic advantage over adversaries.


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Focus Quote for the Day

Investments in Strategic Power Projection ensures our ability to rapidly project our forces forward.

Gen. Gus Perna, commander, Army Materiel Command, reasserting the importance of Strategic Power Projection in ensuring Army’s rapid and efficient support to any mobilization requirement.

Ensuring Readiness for Strategic Support: Strategic Power Projection