Tuesday, January 22, 2019
What is it?
The U.S. Army Combat Training Centers Program builds trained and proficient, combat-ready units and leaders to conduct operations as part of the joint force -ready to win in a complex world.
The Army conducts readiness training for thousands of Regular Army, Army National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers at four Army Combat Training Centers using its Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE). U.S. Army Forces Command provides mission command for two of the Combat Training Centers in the United States – the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California, and the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana. They provide a highly realistic operational environment with a replicated near-peer Opposing Force (OPFOR).
What are the current and past efforts of the Army?
What are the continued efforts planned by the Army?
The Joint Readiness Training Center and the National Training Center continue to focus on training Regular Army and Reserve Component units to support combatant command missions. In both FY19 and FY20, the two Centers are projected to train 19 Brigade Combat Teams and two Security Force Assistance Brigades (SFABs) each year.
Why is this important to the Army?
Combat Training Centers build readiness by providing a crucible experience for units and leaders training in a complex and highly realistic DATE under the most adverse conditions possible. Readiness is the Army’s top priority and requires Total Army force teamwork – Regular Army, Guard, and Reserve – to deter conflict, defeat enemies, and enable the joint force to win decisively. The Total Army force must be postured to shape the global security environment while remaining ready to fight and win the nation’s wars.
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