Thursday, January 10, 2019
What is it?
The Military Justice Act of 2016 (MJA 16) was signed into law as part of the National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2017. MJA 16 is designed to improve the military justice system by enhancing efficiency and effectiveness while sustaining good order and discipline. It includes the most sweeping changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice in over 60 years and is effective Jan. 1, 2019. Although the reforms are extensive, the commander, advised by judge advocates, remains responsible for military justice.
Some of the major changes to the military justice system include:
What are the current and past efforts of the Army?
The Army has spent over a year training judge advocates, law enforcement personnel, and Army leaders on the changes to the UCMJ, as well as working with the sister services to ensure proper implementation of the new changes to the UCMJ. MJA 16 is in effect now.
What are the continued efforts planned by the Army?
The Army will continue to educate commands on the new policies and procedures. Individuals who have questions about changes to the UCMJ should contact their local staff judge advocate or legal advisor.
Why is this important to the Army?
The improvements balance the interests of due process, efficiency, and effectiveness of the system while providing robust options for commanders who need military justice tools to enforce military discipline.
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The Military Justice Act of 2016, also known as MJA 16, is the most comprehensive changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice in decades. [The act] looked at each article section-by-section implementing various changes throughout UCMJ.
- Lt. Col. Sara Root, chief, Army’s Military Justice Legislation Training Team, assigned to Office of the Judge Advocate General-criminal law division
Changes to UCMJ: Military Justice Act of 2016 brings about training