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Resourcing the Army - FY18 Budget Request

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

What is it?

The Army FY18 budget request improves warfighter readiness and begins to strike a balance between the 1.018 million end strength increase in personnel goals, current readiness and modernization while maintaining its counter-terrorism / counter-insurgency competencies and improving the Army’s decisive action capability.

What has the Army done?

The FY18 Army Budget Request highlights the following major themes:

  • Supports globally committed warfighter
  • Restores/builds warfighter readiness
  • Builds decisive action capability for major combat operations
  • Sustains 1.018 million Army end strength personnel goal
  • Retains counter terrorism/counter insurgency competencies
  • Increases global responsiveness
  • Supports regional engagements
  • Advances Soldier and technological overmatch
  • Increases investments to address failing infrastructure
  • Improves accountability and stewardship

What continued efforts are planned for the future?

The FY18 Military Operations and Maintenance Budget Request increases the operations and maintenance capacities by 4.3 percent:

  • Resources 19 Combat Training Center rotations (15 Active Army and four National Guard)
  • Supports home station training focused on decisive action, major combat operations and counterinsurgency
  • Supports combatant commander requirements to provide ready and responsive Soldiers
  • Maintains cyber funding
  • Maintains power projection and security cooperation
  • Prioritizes rapid global response and force protection readiness
  • Funds depot maintenance
  • Resources critical Family and Soldier programs, installation security and IT services
  • Invests in facility restoration and modernization to improve operational and training

The FY18 Military Personnel Budget Request:

  • Increases funding for military personnel to sustain a total Army end strength of 1.018 million (476,000 Regular Army, 343,000 Army National Guard and 199,000 Army Reserve).
  • Funds the entitlement increase of basic allowance for housing (2.9 percent) and basic allowance for subsistence (3.4 percent).
  • Supports a military pay raise of 2.1 percent effective Jan. 1, 2018.
  • Increases funding for Reserve Component man-days.
  • Provides critical funding for recruiting and retention.

The FY18 Modernization Program priorities are:

  • Air and Missile Defense (AMD)
  • Long-Range Fires
  • Preferred Munitions
  • Mobility, Lethality and Protection of brigade combat teams
  • Active Protection Systems (Air and Ground)
  • Assured Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)
  • Electronic Warfare/Signal Intelligence (EV/SIGINT)
  • Offensive and Defensive Cyber
  • Assured Communications
  • Vertical Lift

Why is this important to the Army?

The FY18 Army Budget request supports the Secretary of Defense’s three phased approach for restoring America’s military: (1) improve warfighter readiness (2) achieve program balance and (3) increase lethality.

The Army requires sufficient and predictable funding to sustain readiness for the current fight and to prepare the Army for the future fight.

Absent additional legislation, Budget Control Act funding levels will return, significantly reducing FY18 authorized funding. This level of funding will have a catastrophic impact to Army readiness that would take years from which to recover.


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