Thursday, October 13, 2016
What is it?
The Army Reserve Individual Mobilization Augmentation (IMA) Program facilitates the rapid expansion of the active component (AC) wartime structure of the Department of Defense (DOD) and other departments or agencies of the U.S. Government to meet military manpower requirements in the event of military contingency, premobilization, mobilization, sustainment, and demobilization operations worldwide.
What has the Army done?
The Army Human Resources Command (HRC), Fort Knox, manages the Army Reserve’s IMA Program and its more than 4,000 officer, enlisted, and warrant officer positions around the world. Proponent agencies provide HRC with AOC/MOS requirements for vacancies, and HRC appropriately realigns/reassigns Soldiers to meet those requirements. Proponent agencies plan and provide training in peacetime to ensure their assigned IMA Soldiers are able to perform their designated duties when ordered to active duty.
What continued efforts are planned for the future?
With the Army’s drawdown, Army Reserve IMA Soldiers are critically needed to fulfill proponent agency wartime structures. HRC IMA program managers are increasing their marketing activities to promote awareness of the IMA program and capture skilled Soldiers leaving the Active Army, Army Reserve or National Guard.
Why is this important to the Army?
The projected military manpower requirements needed to respond to future contingency operations and actual mobilization far exceed the Army’s normal peacetime staffing levels. Many of these military manpower requirements must be filled early on during the initial stages of an emerging crisis and well before a partial or full mobilization is declared. These requirements must be filled with qualified Soldiers who are able to report to and perform their assigned duties without delay, orientation, or post-mobilization training. This objective is accomplished by pre-assigning qualified members of the Army Reserve’s Selected Reserve to required mobilization positions that have been specifically designated and documented to augment AC units and other authorized agencies of the U.S. Government.
Related document:
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