Tuesday, September 20, 2016
What is it?
“One Army, Indivisible” is the America’s Army - Our Profession (AAOP) biennial theme for fiscal year 2017-2018. The Total Army is composed of three interdependent, mutually supporting components: the regular Army, the Army National Guard, and the Army Reserve. In addition, the Army Civilian Corps supports all three. The Army’s fundamental mission to win in the unforgiving crucible of ground combat requires the combined effort of the entire team to be ready today and prepared for tomorrow.
What has the Army done?
The chief of staff of the Army approved the “One Army, Indivisible” theme to continue the momentum gained from prior AAOP themes, which are designed to teach and inspire an understanding of the Army profession and enhance commitment to the Army’s professional calling. The Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (CAPE), a part of the Combined Arms Center and Army Training and Doctrine Command, is the Army’s lead for developing the themes.
What continued efforts are planned for the future?
The Army will continue to integrate Army Profession, Army Ethic and Character Development doctrine into training, professional military education, the civilian education system and operations. This includes developing America’s Army - Our Profession themes and producing supporting materials for training and education. The Army will also develop products that encourage and strengthen bonds of trust within the Army Profession and reinforce trust with the American people. The CAPE website includes “One Army, Indivisible” materials to support professional development programs through facilitated discussions and key messaging.
Why is this important to the Army?
“One Army, Indivisible” is an important concept because each element of the team makes an essential contribution to the Total Army’s ability to provide for the ethical design, generation, support and application of land power.
Soldiers and Army Civilians serving in all components share an identity as trusted Army professionals, who are inspired to honorably fulfill their oaths of service to the nation. Having an understanding of the communities of practice, components and cohorts within the Total Army is an essential first step to appreciating the vital role each plays in accomplishing the Army’s mission.
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