Monday, September 14, 2015
What is it?
The Army’s Greatest Innovation Award Program (AGIAP) annually recognizes ground-breaking new technologies and inventions, as well as techniques, procedures and methodologies developed by the Research and Development (R&D) and Science and Technology (S&T) communities and Soldiers in the field. The “MG Harold J. Greene Innovation Award” is awarded for innovations that greatly enhance the Army’s overall readiness while positively impacting Soldier performance.
The awards consist of three different categories: military individual, civilian individual, and group. The program, managed by the U.S. Army Materiel Command under the lead of its Chief Technology Officer and in partnership with the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, awards a first place winner and runner-up in each category, each spring.
What has the Army Done?
The AGIAP is a rebranding of the Army’s Greatest Invention and Soldier’s Greatest Invention Award Programs that ran for 11 years and recognized solutions that increased efficiencies, strengthened the U.S. position and saved lives on the battlefield. Past winners included programs that enhanced weapons, improved Soldier protection and upgraded field systems.
The award was named in honor of the late MG Harold J. Greene, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2014. He served in numerous leadership positions in Army research, science and technology fields.
What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?
The Army continues to foster innovative research and technology. This award program helps celebrate those achievements. The Army received an award in 2013 as one of the world’s most innovative research organizations alongside companies like 3M, Apple, and AT&T. In addition to these achievements, the Army has earned 300 patents for new technologies in a three-year span.
The AGIAP nomination submission window for Fiscal Year 2015 is Sept. 15-Dec. 15. Nominated innovations must have been first fielded, adopted and/or implemented during FY15. Soldiers, civilians and teams from across the Army are encouraged to participate. Additional nomination criteria and the submission packet can be found at the AGIAP website. Winners will be announced in February 2016.
Why is this important to the Army?
The Army must stay ahead when it comes to new technology and modernization. The AGIAP is paramount as it brings much needed attention to new and innovative technologies, which can help save lives on the battlefield.
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