Wednesday, March 25, 2015
What is it?
The Installation Management Command (IMCOM) 2025 and Beyond (I2025B) Campaign Plan is the roadmap for Army installation management during the next decade and beyond. This plan begins in Fiscal Year (FY) 15 with a campaign period of seven years, but as a strategy looks as far out as 2025 and beyond.
The I2025B Campaign Plan supports the Army Campaign Plan (ACP), Force 2025 and Beyond (F2025B), and other higher strategies. The objectives of the I2025B Campaign Plan are to enable installations to stay globally responsive as readiness platforms for training and deployment of the expeditionary war fighters. The plan is focused on three lines of effort: people, services, and infrastructure.
What has the Army done?
IMCOM officially published this plan in November 2014 on the heels of the Army’s F2025B release. Since then, IMCOM’s Plans Directorate has been taking the command’s plan on a road show to educate headquarters and region staffs.
IMCOM publishes articles on a regular basis in the “Observation Post,” a publication geared toward informing and connecting senior commanders with the latest installation management news and information.
The IMCOM Garrison Commander’s Conference held in San Antonio, Texas, had the participation of all commanders and command sergeants major in a session geared at educating and discussing I2025B objectives and how the effort will support the future Army.
What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?
IMCOM will continue to synchronize its planning efforts with higher echelons and will include its participation on the ACP and F2025B Operational Planning Teams.
IMCOM will remain committed to the Army’s priorities of training Soldiers, and providing superior services to them, their Families, retirees, veterans and survivors.
Why is this important to the Army?
To enable an Army force that is capable of winning in a complex world, IMCOM will need to be a force multiplier for the operational force. As IMCOM moves into the future it must enable the Army’s Force 2025 and Beyond by providing the right base support at the right cost. The development of installation management professionals, revamping of services, and revitalization of infrastructure and training lands will be key in setting the conditions for the Force 2025 and beyond.
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