Monday, February 2, 2015
What is it?
The Army’s antiterrorism program protects personnel, information, property, and facilities against acts of terrorism. As the executive agent for antiterrorism, the Office of the Provost Marshal General (OPMG) is hosting the Army Worldwide Antiterrorism Conference, Feb. 3-6, 2015. The conference goal is to educate and develop antiterrorism personnel, build synergy for antiterrorism strategic goals, and involve antiterrorism officers in solving key issues impacting the program. The theme for this year’s conference is Awareness, Preparedness, and Flexibility.
What is the Army doing?
The conference provides a forum for Army Command, Army Service Component Command, Direct Reporting Unit, and Army National Guard antiterrorism representatives to share knowledge and reinforce program improvements from previous years. The conference includes an extensive list of distinguished speakers from across the Department of Defense and interagency organizations who will speak on topics related to a persistent terrorist threat and methods and approaches to defending against the threat. Senior leaders responsible for the execution of command-level antiterrorism programs should seek back-briefs from their conference representative to help focus command specific efforts.
What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?
The Army continues to implement an antiterrorism strategy and supporting communication plan to instill Army-wide heightened awareness and vigilance to protect the Army community and critical resources from terrorist activities. The antiterrorism communication plan establishes four broad themes: constant vigilance, timely threat reporting, knowledge of antiterrorism concepts and principles, and leadership emphasis.
To facilitate Army-wide community out-reach efforts, the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7 designated quarterly themes to promote unified focus for antiterrorism priorities. The themes for FY15 include:
Why is it important to the Army?
Terrorism is an enduring, persistent, worldwide threat to our nation and our forces. Army forces (including installations, standalone facilities and operational units) must be capable of deterring, preventing, and defending against the full range of terrorist tactics. This conference provides an opportunity to assess the status of Army antiterrorism efforts and address emerging issues. Conference outputs support actions to strengthen capabilities and resolve to defend against the terrorist threat.
Note: The Army Policing Portal and the Army Antiterrorism Enterprise Portal (ATEP) have migrated. Users must select their “e-mail certificate” to gain access to either portal. Information and products supporting the antiterrorism conference are located on ATEP. Additionally, a post-conference proceedings report will be published and posted to ATEP by Feb. 27.
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