Friday June 13, 2014
Two hundred thirty-nine years ago, our nation’s leaders established the Continental Army. On June 14, we celebrate 239 Years of Our Profession. As the Army continues to demonstrate its competence, its commitment, and its character in defense of our nation, our Soldiers possess a lifelong commitment to our values. America’s Army professionals conduct themselves consistently with the Army ethic; worthy of our profession. An Army professional strives to adhere to five essential characteristics of trust, military expertise, honorable service, esprit de corps, and stewardship.
Birthday greetings from senior leaders on the Army’s 239th Birthday celebrating America’s Army: Our Profession.
President Barack Obama
I am pleased to join in celebrating the 239th birthday of the United States Army on June 14.
At Army posts at home and abroad, I have seen Army values including loyalty and respect, integrity and personal courage displayed by our extraordinary soldiers. These men and women have met every mission our country gave them with resolve and determination.
On behalf of a grateful nation, I thank the members of the United States Army for your profound selflessness. Read the complete message.
Secretary of the Army John McHugh
On June 14, 1775, the Second Continental Congress established the United States Army. Since then, the American Soldier time and again met the needs of the nation and has stood for the hope and promise of a better tomorrow. Thank you to our Soldiers, Army civilians, and families for your dedication and devotion to the profession and for building the bedrock of freedom we have enjoyed for 239 years. Happy Birthday, Army!
Under Secretary of the Army Brad R. Carson
Our beginnings in 1775 may have been humble, but even then and certainly ever since, our Army has influenced the nation and the world. We have come from a small national force consisting of state militias with citizen Soldiers, to a force grown to 89 divisions in 1944 … to the all-volunteer force that has adapted to the changing face of warfare, and has fought our nation’s longest war, during the past 13 years.
Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Raymond T. Odierno
I am incredibly proud to serve as chief of staff and lead the most professionally trained, combat tested and resilient Army in the world. I am inspired by your dedication and commitment to the mission and our nation. As we celebrate our 239th birthday, we celebrate the service of all our Soldiers, past and present. Together, we are Soldiers committed to our Army profession and to ensuring our nation’s freedom.
Happy birthday U.S. Army!
Sergeant Major of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III
For 239 years, the United States Army has protected this nation and the American people. Our all-volunteer force continues to make a difference every day in securing our freedoms and maintaining peace. Because of your commitment to our Army’s values, we remain the best Army in the world and most professional in our nation’s history. Soldiers, families and civilians have all played a vital role in that heritage, so be proud on this Army Birthday!
Watch the senior leader birthday videos at U.S. Army Birthday microsite
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