Wednesday March 13, 2013
What is it?
Ready and Resilient campaign is a collection of comprehensive and far-reaching programs designed to guide the Army’s efforts to build physical, emotional and psychological resilience in our Soldiers, families and civilians, and directly enhance personal and unit readiness. To ensure the health and well-being of the entire team, the Army’s goal is to invest in and improve the performance of every individual on the team.
What is the Army doing?
The United States Army remains engaged in the longest period of combat operations in our nation’s history. The all-volunteer force has repeatedly shown amazing strength, skill and performance.
The Ready and Resilient Campaign integrates and synchronizes multiple efforts and programs to improve upon that strength, while increasing readiness and resilience of our Soldiers (Active, Guard and Reserve), Army civilians and families. The campaign creates a holistic, collaborative and coherent approach to increasing individual and unit readiness and resilience.
The Ready and Resilient Campaign also builds upon physical, emotional and psychological resilience in our Soldiers, families and civilians so they improve performance to deal with the rigors and challenges of a demanding profession.
Why is this important to the Army?
This campaign will help the Army to integrate and synchronize key programs aimed at preventing suicide, sexual harassment and sexual assault, bullying and hazing, substance abuse and domestic violence. The campaign will also help the Army as it reviews programs, processes and policies to ensure effectiveness and reduce redundancies, improve methods for commanders to understand high-risk behaviors and intervene early, and continue improvements to the Integrated Disability Evaluation System. Finally, through this campaign, the Army will work to reduce barriers and stigma associated with seeking help and will promote healthy lifestyles based on the performance triad of physical fitness, nutrition, and sleep. The campaign’s success requires engaged leadership at all levels, a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, and effective prioritization of resources.
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