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USAG Japan

U.S. Army Garrison Japan


Mission: U.S. Army Garrison Japan provides quality installation services and support to the Soldiers, Civilians, and Families of the United States Army in Japan and installation partners dispersed throughout Japan to ensure mission readiness and the well-being of our Community.


  • Col. Marcus Hunter
    Garrison Commander
    Col. Marcus Hunter
  • Command Sgt. Maj. David A. Rio
    Command Sergeant Major
    Command Sgt. Maj. David A. Rio
  • Ms. Jenifer L. Peterson
    Deputy Garrison Commander
    Ms. Jenifer L. Peterson

USAG Japan's Vision:

USAG Japan is a resilient team of professionals committed to enabling the US Army in Japan to be "ready today" for any contingency while providing prioritized resources and services for our Community.

"USAG Japan is ready today, builds readiness for tomorrow, and takes care of our Community always"


This page is updated by the U.S. Army Garrison Japan Public Affairs Office to keep the American people, the citizens of our Japanese host nation, and the Soldiers, Families and Civilian employees serving, working and living on U.S. Army Installations here in Japan informed about the activities of the U.S. Army in Japan.

USAG Japan is part of IMCOM, the U.S. Army Installation Management Command.

Contact Information

To find a phone number for a specific unit or organization at USAG Japan, please call the telephone directory line:

DSN (Defense Switched Network): 315-263-1110; within Japan: 046-407-1110; from the U.S.: 011-81-46-407-1110

For questions or comments about USAG Japan, please contact the Public Affairs Office:

DSN: 315-263-3392; within Japan: 046-407-3392; from the U.S.: 011-81-46-407-3392

Directorate of Emergency Services Contacts

  • Director, DES: 315-263-5786; Deputy Director, DES: 315-263-3610
  • Chief of Police: 315-263-5640; Provost Sergeant: 315-263-3743; Traffic Management Section: 315-263-5263; Military Police Investigators: 315-263-3787; Police Liaison: 315-263-3522
  • Fire Chief: 315-263-3335; Deputy Fire Chief: 315-263-3344; Fire Inspectors: 315-263-3507
  • Chief of Physical Security: 315-263-4044; Physical Security Guard NCOIC: 263-5545; Security Guard Chief, Honshu: 315-263-3437; Senior PS Inspector: 315-263-3260; Chief of Security, Kure: 315-256-2510
  • Vehicle Registration: 315-263-3732; Installation Pass Office: 315-263-4697; SHA Pass Office: 315-263-6065


1 Welcome to Japan for Soldiers
2 Welcome to Japan for Civilians
3 Lingo Swap ~Situation Restaurant Part 1~
4 Lingo Swap ~Situation Restaurant Part 2~
5 Lingo Swap ~Situation Restaurant Part 3~
6 Lingo Swap ~Situation Restaurant Part 4~
7 Lingo Swap ~Situation Restaurant Part 5~
8 Lingo Swap Part 6
9 Lingo Swap Part 7
10 LingoSwap - Where's the Toilet?!
11 LingoSwap Shitureishimasu
12 Lingo Swap 2015 ~Mouichido Onegaishimasu~
13 Lingo Swap 2015 ~Otsukaresamadesu~
14 Lingo Swap Request no receipt
15 Lingo Swap How to give a compliment!
16 Lingo Swap What is this?