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To provide combat-ready units and Soldiers to the Army and the Joint Force across the full spectrum of conflict.


The Army Reserve of 2035 provides trained and equipped units and personnel at the scale and speed required to support the Total Force in a joint, multi-domain operational environment. The Army Reserve accomplishes this through continuous improvements and prudent investments in readiness and modernization priorities while balancing the training requirements and quality of life needs of our Soldiers, Civilians, and Families.


  • Lt. Gen. Robert D. Harter
    35th Chief of Army Reserve and 10th Commanding General, U.S. Army Reserve Command
    Lt. Gen. Robert D. Harter
  • Command Sergeant Major Gregory Betty
    Command Sergeant Major of the Army Reserve
    Command Sergeant Major Gregory Betty
  • Chief Warrant Officer 5 LaShon P. White
    Command Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Army Reserve Command
    Chief Warrant Officer 5 LaShon P. White