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Military Postal Service Agency


Achieve efficient and responsive processing, transportation, and distribution of personal and official mail within the DoD and the functions listed in DoDD 5101.11e.


Provide best value postal services to authorized DoD patrons in peace and war, around the clock…around the world.


  • MPSA was formed in 1980 to consolidate similar mail functions within the military services and serve as the single mail manager. MPSA is a jointly-staffed organization, headquartered in the National Capital Region, serves as the single point of contact with the United States Postal Service (USPS), and oversees the Military Postal Service (MPS) which includes the Official Mail Program (OMP) for the Department of Defense (DoD). The MPS operates as an extension of the USPS in over 55 countries and provides similar postal service to authorized DoD patrons for personal and official mail around the world in contingency and non-contingency operations. Differences in postal service are based on restrictions for the assigned country and type of military operation. Movement of DoD mail by air, ground, or surface transportation is accomplished through multiple partnerships between United States (US), foreign governments, and the commercial sector with entities such as: USPS, US Transportation Command, Air Mobility Command, Military Sealift Command, US and foreign flag commercial airlines and ground transportation.

  • Legal Mandates

    Title 39 United States Code Section 406 authorizes DoD to establish branch post offices.

    Title 39 United States Code Section 3401 authorizes free mail, space available mail, parcel airlift stamp, and the USPS and DoD Agreement known as Publication (Pub) 38.

    Title 39 United States Code Section 3406 authorizes expeditious movement and free of postage ballot materials mailed individually or in bulk from a post office established outside the US under Section 406 of this title, the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA), and the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (Move) Act.

  • Policy Mandates:

    DoD Directive (DoDD) 5101.11e directs the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, to oversee the performance of the MPS through the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics. DoDD 5101.11e directs the Secretary of the Army to serve as the DoD Executive Agent (DoD EA) for the MPS. DoDD 5101.1 authorizes the Secretary of the Army to delegate his DoD EA authorities. DoDD 5101.11e directed the Secretary of the Army to designate a general or flag officer (or equivalent civilian grade) to be the Executive Director of MPSA. In 1980, Army General Order Six, designated the Adjutant General of the Army as the Executive Director of MPSA. On 01 Oct 21, Army General Order 2021-08, the Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) was designated as a direct reporting unit to the Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Army G–1. IAW DoD Instruction 4525.09, it is DoD Policy that DoD Components comply with DoD, USPS, and General Services Administration (GSA) policies and procedures regarding the processing, distribution, and transportation of DoD postal items.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Executive Director: 

    IAW DoDD 5101.11e the Executive Director operates under the authority, direction, and control of the DoD EA for MPS for personal and official mail matters to achieve efficient and responsive oversight throughout the DoD; the integration of postal processing, transportation, and distribution procedures worldwide; the implementation of uniform worldwide postal practices and procedures; and the management and operation of MPSA in order to accomplish the mission and major functions described in Section 3 of DoDD 5101.11e. In addition, he maintains direct working relationships with the USPS and other government agencies (OGAs) on MPS matters, and with the Heads of the DoD Components to provide oversight, coordination, and technical assistance on postal matters.

  • Deputy Director: 

    Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Agency to accomplish the mission and major functions described in Section 3 of DoDD 5101.11e. Provides strategic direction, guidance, and coordination for the MPS to promote compliance with US law and USPS, GSA, and DoD issuances. Serves as the principal advisor to the Executive Director, Offices of the Secretary of Defense, Military Departments, Joint Staff, COCOMs, DoD Components, USPS, GSA, OGAs, and congressional committees on all MPS matters. Maintains metrics to evaluate the success of MPSA including subordinate Joint Military Postal Activity (JMPA) and Detachments collocated at USPS International Service Centers (USPS ISC) and all aspects of the MPS. Ensures effective administration and management in seven locations (Arlington, VA; Newark, NJ; Jamaica, NY; Chicago, IL; Miami, FL; San Francisco, CA; and Honolulu, HI).

  • Chief, Internal Management Division: 

    Coordinates and advises on civilian and military active or reserve personnel administration, security, resource management, logistics, information technology, and serves as the Program Manager for the Automated Military Postal System (AMPS). Monitors all taskings and consolidates responses.

  • Chief, Operations Division: 

    Develops, coordinates with stakeholders on, and monitors DoD policy, procedures, and execution of the following postal operations programs for personal and official mail: address management; claims; equipment accountability and life cycle; finance; inquiries; offenses; supply management; and voting. Investigates and provides input to MPS operations complaints or inquires.

  • Chief, Plans and Policy Division: Develops, coordinates with stakeholders on, and monitors execution of the following postal programs for personal and official mail: assessments; foreign and domestic agreements; legislation and regulatory matters; plans; policy; procedures; strategic communications; and training. Investigates and responds to MPS complaints or inquires.

  • Chief, Transportation Division: Develops, coordinates with stakeholders on, and monitors DoD policy, procedures, and execution of the following postal transportation programs for personal and official mail: billing; dispatch; distribution; mobile routing; processing; product tracking; military or commercial, and air, ground, or surface transportation. Investigates and provides input to MPS transportation complaints or inquires.

  • Commander, JMPA: Coordinates with USPS ISC personnel, airlines, and DoD stakeholders on, and monitors the execution of the following postal programs for personal and official mail: USPS dispatch; USPS and DoD distribution; equipment accountability and life cycle; mobile routing; USPS processing; supply management; military or commercial, and air, ground, or surface transportation. Responsible for the day-to-day operations of JMPA personnel collocated at six USPS facilities (Newark, NJ; Jamaica, NY; Chicago, IL; Miami, FL; San Francisco, CA; and Honolulu, HI) to accomplish the above postal programs. Investigates and responds to MPS operations and transportation complaints or inquires.

Military Postal Service Procedures Manual (MPM)

MPM-012825.pdf Military Postal Procedures Manual Change 2, Effective 28 JAN 25