Army Futures Command (AFC) transforms the Army to ensure war-winning future readiness.
Headquartered in Austin, Texas, AFC has more than 17,000 personnel worldwide. It is the newest of the Army’s four major commands, established in 2018 to ensure the Army and its Soldiers remain at the forefront of technological innovation and warfighting ability.
AFC currently focuses on three overarching priorities: prioritizing people, designing Army 2040 and delivering Army 2030.
The command is executing six essential functions in pursuit of these priorities – future operational environment, research, concepts, experimentation, requirements and integration – with support from industry, academia and Joint and multinational partners.
The groundbreaking work of AFC’s headquarters directorates, subordinate commands, research laboratories, innovation hubs and Cross-Functional Teams is advancing the Army's six modernization priorities: long range precision fires, next generation combat vehicle, future vertical lift, air and missile defense, network and Soldier lethality.
AFC pursues and integrates these advances in close coordination with other members of the Army transformation enterprise, strengthening the Army’s ability to develop and maintain future readiness as an integrated team.
AFC leads the way for the Army as a whole by framing problems – and solutions – across the full DOTMLPF-P (Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities and Policy), enabling creation of the best solutions to keep Soldiers safe and America strong.
Air and Missile Defense (AMD), located at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, works to outpace strategic competitors who have invested heavily in their indirect fire and missile capabilities. The development of new AMD technologies accelerated by the CFT will defend ground forces against adversary air threats, as well as protect the infrastructure of U.S. and Allied forces against a host of air and missile threats.
BG William M. Parker - Director, Air and Missile Defense Cross-Functional Team
The All-Domain Sensing (ADS) Cross-Functional Team (CFT) accelerates the alignment of integrated sensing capabilities by informing requirements that harness the power of data, contribute to decision speed, facilitate informed maneuver, and increase lethality. ADS CFT is headquartered in Adelphi, Maryland with personnel on Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.
Mr. Michael Monteleone - Director, All-Domain Sensing Cross-Functional Team
The Command and Control (C2) Cross-Functional Team, formerly known as the Network CFT, is located at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. The C2 CFT is focused on accelerating the delivery of C2 information systems that empower commanders and increase the Army’s competitive advantage against sophisticated adversaries, while continually evolving the network to enable C2. The C2 CFT drives requirements and technology transitions across its 4x Army signature modernization efforts: 1) unified network, 2) common operating environment, 3) joint/coalition interoperability, and 4) command post mobility/survivability.
MG Patrick J. Ellis - Director, Command and Control Cross-Functional Team
The Contested Logistics Cross-Functional Team (CL CFT), based at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, focuses on the tactical level in the contested logistics realm.
BG Shane Upton - Director, Contested Logistics Cross-Functional Team
Future Vertical Lift (FVL) leads development of critical combat systems, ensuring that Army aviation maintains vertical lift dominance over enemy forces in future MDO. The FVL CFT will enable the Joint Force to operate, even when dispersed over wide areas, with increased lethality, survivability and reach by penetrating enemy defenses and subsequently exploiting open corridors with enhanced attack and reconnaissance, Air Assault and MEDEVAC (medical evacuation) capabilities.
BG Cain Baker- Director, Future Vertical Lift, Cross-Functional Team
Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF), located at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, leads a comprehensive modernization effort to deliver cutting-edge, surface-to-surface fires systems that significantly increase range and effects over currently fielded U.S. and adversary systems. The LRPF CFT, working closely with Army and industry partners, is driving solutions for the next generation of field artillery systems across all echelons: strategic, operational and tactical.
BG Rory Crooks - Director, Long Range Precision Fires Cross-Functional Team
Next Generation Combat Vehicles (NGCV), located at Detroit Arsenal in Warren, Michigan, is working to narrow or close cross-domain maneuver capability gaps by developing Army requirements for the next generation of combat vehicles, while synchronizing and overseeing all supporting materiel development activities, experiments and assessments. The NGCV CFT uses a rapid, iterative process of capability development to reduce costs, technological obsolescence and acquisition risk and to increase the speed of delivery.
COL Kevin Bradley - Director, Next Generation Combat Vehicles Cross-Functional Team
Soldier Lethality (SL) increases the lethality of the Close Combat Force by focusing on the capabilities necessary at the Soldier and Squad level to gain and retain a clear and decisive overmatch against peer and near-peer threats. The SL CFT focuses on kitting the Soldier and the Squad holistically, as a system and a combat platform, to enhance lethality, precision, mobility and maneuverability, communications and survivability.
BG Phillip Kiniery - Director, Soldier Lethality Cross-Functional Team
Synthetic Training Environment (STE), located in Orlando, Florida, rapidly expands the Army’s synthetic training environment and increases distribution of simulations capabilities down to the company level. The STE CFT delivers collective training, accessible at the point of need, to support operational, self-development and institutional training for Soldiers anytime and anywhere in the world to hone skills, develop task proficiency and sustain readiness.
COL Jason West - Director, Synthetic Training Environment Cross-Functional Team
The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) is the Army’s largest technology developer, with more than 10,000 engineers and scientists. Its mission is to provide research, engineering and analytical expertise to deliver capabilities that enable the Army to deter and, when necessary, decisively defeat any adversary now and in the future. DEVCOM ensures the dominance of Army capabilities by creating, integrating and delivering tech-enabled solutions and will give Soldiers a decisive edge in MDO by 2030, 2040 and beyond.
DEVCOM is a major subordinate command of the U.S. Army Futures Command (AFC), which assesses and integrates the future operational environment, emerging threats, and technologies to design, develop, and deliver innovative solutions. DEVCOM is interested in leveraging unique skillsets and resources across academia, industry, and other government organizations both nationally and internationally to collaboratively address Army challenges and priorities. The “DEVCOM Partnerships Portal” welcomes partners around the world to provide and collaborate on new technologies to help solve the Army’s toughest challenges.
Please see the opportunities available on the DEVCOM Partnerships Portal whether you want to; 1) experiment with the Army to demonstrate your capabilities, 2) offer innovative capabilities as a partnership development, or 3) come together to learn and understand any future contributions you have.
Note: The DEVCOM Partnerships Portal will require registration to review and submit for opportunities.
Disclaimer: This link will take you away from this site. The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute an endorsement by AFC of non-U.S. Government sites of the information, products, or services contained therein. Although AFC use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this website.
MG John M. Cushing - Commanding General, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command
CSM Brian D. Haydt - Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command
The Medical Research and Development Command (MRDC), headquartered at Fort Detrick, Maryland, encompasses eight subordinate commands located throughout the world. MRDC is the Army’s medical materiel developer, with responsibility for medical research, development and acquisition. The command’s expertise in these critical areas helps establish and maintain the capabilities that the Army needs to remain ready and lethal on any battlefield.
MG Paula Lodi - Commanding General, U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command
CSM Michael Dills - Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command
The Futures and Concepts Center (FCC) assesses the threat and future operational environment and develops future concepts, requirements and an integrated modernization pathway to increase lethality and overmatch, enabling Soldiers and units to compete—and, if necessary—deploy, fight and win future wars.
LTG David M. Hodne- Director, Futures and Concepts Center
CSM William Justice - Command Sergeant Major, Futures and Concepts Center
The Software Factory is looking for the best and the brightest from around the Army. We are a rank- and MOS-immaterial organization striving to incorporate the best practices from across industry and the Department of Defense (DOD). It will immerse Soldiers and Civilians from across the Army in modern software development, leveraging the full spirit of the innovation ecosystem.
We solve problems. We design solutions for the end-user. We innovate. We use agile methodology. We are constantly learning. We are increasing the digital proficiency across the Force and developing modern software solutions for Army problems.
FY2025 AFC-Emerging Technology Opportunities (ETO) catalog
Soldier Problem Submission - Nominate or vote for an Army problem needing a software solution
Success Story: Supply Support Activity (SSA) Automation
Cohort 11 Application Deadline 31 March 2025! (CAC Required)
Software Factory + ACC Partnership
Software Factory Track Videos
The videos are not publicly available; a CAC is required to log in and view.
PRODUCT MANAGER: Interview Video 1 - Interview Video 2
SOFTWARE ENGINEER: Interview Video 1 - Interview Video 2
TRAC (formerly the TRADOC Analysis Center) conducts operations research and analysis to inform decisions about the most challenging issues facing the Army and the Department of Defense (DOD).
TRAC’s work program is aligned with the highest priorities of the Commander, Army Futures Command (AFC) and the Chief of Staff of the Army. TRAC studies have underpinned the key decisions made by the Army and DOD regarding nearly every major Army initiative and program since TRAC’s inception in 1986, enabling new Army capabilities and investments valued in the hundreds of billions.
Headquartered at Fort Leavenworth KS, TRAC has a highly skilled workforce of over 300 civilian and military personnel assigned to four subordinate centers across the U.S.
TRAC transitioned from the Training and Doctrine Command to the Army Futures Command in 2018.
Pamela Blechinger - Director TRAC-HQ
COL Matthew Jensen - Deputy Director TRAC HQ
Fort Leavenworth visitor info: https://home.army.mil/leavenworth/index.php/about/visitor-information
Cody Beck - Director TRAC-FLVN
COL Riley Post - Deputy Director TRAC-FLVN
TRAC Fort Leavenworth (TRAC-FLVN), located at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, employs more than 130 personnel who execute analysis in support of DoD leaders. Our workforce includes Combat Analysts (FA49), Operations Research Analysts, Computer Scientists, and Management and Program Analysts. Combined teams of civilians and active-duty military conduct research in four primary areas: studies and analysis, scenarios and wargaming, combat modeling and simulation, and analytical tool development.
Fort Leavenworth visitor info: https://home.army.mil/leavenworth/index.php/about/visitor-information
LTC George Hughbanks - Director TRAC-GREGG-ADAMS
TRAC Fort Gregg-Adams (TRAC-GREGG-ADAMS) is located at Fort Gregg-Adams in the Richmond Virginia Metro Area. TRAC-GREGG-ADAMS military and civilian analysts conduct sustainment analysis, including research and modeling of logistics, medical, and personnel support functions. TRAC-GREGG-ADAMS often collaborates with the Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) and other stakeholders to enable decisions about sustainment and acquisition issues posed to us by Army Senior Leaders and decision makers.
Fort Gregg-Adams visitor info https://home.army.mil/lee/index.php/about/visitor-information
Dr. Garrett R. Lambert - Director, TRAC-WSMR
COL Jeffrey Adams - Deputy Director, TRAC-WSMR
TRAC-White Sands Missile Range (TRAC-WSMR), located at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, has historically conducted operations analysis from the individual Soldier to Brigade level. Analysts at TRAC-WSMR develop and maintain the scenarios that underpin Army concepts and requirements; develop, configure, manage, and apply models and simulations; and research, develop, and share new analytic methods. We collaborate across a network of Army, DoD, and multinational partners.
White Sands Missile Range visitor info: https://www.wsmr.army.mil/Pages/WhiteSandsRoadBlockSchedule.aspx
LTC James Jablonski - Director, TRAC-MTRY
TRAC-Monterey (TRAC-MTRY), located in Monterey, California, is the research and innovation arm of TRAC and TRAC's data science center of excellence. Analysts at TRAC-MTRY conduct research into new data science and machine learning methods with students and faculty at the Naval Postgraduate School. Recent projects focused on simulation optimization, using machine learning to predict personnel attrition, natural language processing, reinforcement learning in wargames and combat simulations, decision analysis, and high-performance computing.
Naval Postgraduate School visitor information: https://www.nps.edu/visit
Based in Austin, Texas, AAL aligns innovative solutions and technologies with Army problems, resources and programs to rapidly discover, validate and transition technology applications in support of Army transformation.
Dr. Casey Perley – Director of the Army Applications Laboratory
The Army Artificial Intelligence Integration Center (AI2C), located at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, leads and integrates Army artificial intelligence (AI) strategy and implementation, synchronizes key development efforts and sets the foundations for operationalizing AI within the Army Modernization Enterprise.
We are inviting all individuals and teams that would be interested in leading or collaborating in the development of solutions for these Areas of Interest and identify opportunities to meet the Army’s many other needs.
Are you the solution? The Army Artificial Intelligence Integration Center (AI2C) is seeking artificial intelligence research and development whitepapers and proposals in support of new technologies and translational research-based approaches that support the identification, alignment, and exploitation of basic, applied, and advanced research and technology. For more information please visit: SAM.gov.
COL Isaac Faber- Director of the Artificial Intelligence Integration Center
75th Innovation Command is an Army Reserve command based in Houston, Texas. The command drives operational innovation, concepts and capabilities to enhance the readiness and lethality of the Future Force by leveraging the unique skills, agility and private sector connectivity of America's Army Reserve.
MG Michelle Link - Commanding General, U.S. Army Reserve Innovation Command-75th USARIC
CSM Sherri L. Turner - Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army Reserve Innovation Command-75th USARIC
Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC), headquartered at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, provides direct support to AFC and relevant, timely information to senior Army leaders through rigorous testing and evaluation.
MG Patrick L. Gaydon - Commanding General for the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command
CSM Bradford Smith - Command Sergeant Major for the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command
At AFC, we are always eager to form new, mutually beneficial partnerships with innovative small businesses, entrepreneurs, nontraditional partners and institutes of higher education.
We also consistently seek creative, industrious and enthusiastic individuals to join our team.
Explore below to learn more about business and career opportunities with the command.
Civilian Employment Opportunities
Explore our current job listings on the AFC job board!
Learn About Benefits
Working as a Civilian provides many benefits!
The U.S Army Futures Command (AFC) offers a variety of internship opportunities for high school and college students to gain practical career experience in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs.
The AFC programs for high school students give them the opportunity to explore their interests before they graduate. Be sure to read each description to see which programs best fit your interests!
Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) Apprenticeship Program
AEOP provides high school through Post Doc students with hands on STEM research opportunities in DoD and university laboratories across the United States and its Territories. Participating in AEOP apprenticeships offers students the unique opportunity to be mentored and trained by senior Army, Army sponsored, or university faculty researchers while conducting real world research. Furthermore, they learn about education and career opportunities in a variety of different STEM fields to help make informed career decisions and support their retained interest in STEM.
Gains in Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS)
GEMS’ mission is to interest young people, who might not otherwise give serious thought to becoming scientists or engineers, in STEM careers early enough that they have the time to attain the appropriate academic training. The program is based on a multi-disciplinary educational curriculum, and is focused on age and grade-appropriate hands-on activities, in areas such as science, engineering, mathematics, computational sciences, computational biology, biomedical sciences, chemistry and biology. STEM-related activities (robotics, rocketry, computer science, lasers, and more) inside a world class military laboratory.
Real-World Internship in Science & Engineering (RISE)
The RISE Intern Program offers a 2-week in lab experience for students over 16 years old who are rising Juniors or Rising Seniors at a Maryland High School. Students work directly with C5ISR Center engineers to complete a project or series of technical education experiences. In addition, students complete an 8-hour communication and leadership curriculum. The program culminates with a closing ceremony where students present their work to C5ISR Center engineers and senior leaders as well as to their parents and special guests.
Academic Individual Advance Development (AIAD)
The United States Military Academy (USMA) Academic Individual Advanced Development (AIAD) program provides cadets with an opportunity to observe and implement concepts from their education in chemistry, chemical engineering and life science over several weeks during this summer internship. Fully Funded by USMA.
Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) Apprenticeship Program
AEOP provides high school through Post Doc students with hands on STEM research opportunities in DoD and university laboratories across the United States and its Territories. Participating in AEOP apprenticeships offers students the unique opportunity to be mentored and trained by senior Army, Army sponsored, or university faculty researchers while conducting real world research. Furthermore, they learn about education and career opportunities in a variety of different STEM fields to help make informed career decisions and support their retained interest in STEM.
Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART)
The SMART Program, part of the Department of Defense (DoD) science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) portfolio, provides STEM students with the tools needed to pursue higher education and begin a rewarding career with the DoD. With a full scholarship, students pursuing STEM degrees will be able to focus on complex research to further the DoD's mission and create a lasting impact. SMART is offered throughout Army, Air Force, Navy and other DOD sponsoring facilities spanning multiple states. Students pursuing degrees in approximately 21 STEM disciplines may apply. There are more than 17 participating Army Sponsoring Facilities spread across 61 locations.
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Facilitates collaboration between academia and DOE to advance scientific research and education, coordination, and execution of cooperative research jointly funded by DOE and universities or industry. Students will be able to conduct real-world research while networking with peers in order to gain a better knowledge of the field they are interested in pursuing a career in the STEM workforce.
Department of Defense (DoD) College Acquisition Internship Program (DCAIP)
The Department of Defense (DoD) College Acquisition Internship Program (DCAIP) is a highly competitive program that seeks to attract a diverse group of bright and innovative full-time college students for Acquisition Workforce (AWF) positions located throughout the country. The program is a paid, ten week, summer opportunity designed to expose students pursuing relevant undergraduate degrees to the DoD AWF culture and to provide real world experience in various acquisition career fields.
DoD Cyber Scholarship Program (CySP)
DoD CySP designed to encourage the recruitment of the nation’s top cyber talent and the retention of DoD personnel who have skills necessary to meet DoD’s cyber requirements and help secure our nation against threats of information systems and networks. Provide scholarships to students in pursuit of cyber-related degree at National Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cyber Education: Cyber Defense (CAE-CD), Cyber Defense Research (CAE-R) or Cyber Operations (CAE- CO).
DoD Historically Black College and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions Summer Research Program
The DoD HBCU/MI Summer Research Program provides a bridge between the classroom and real-world experiences and aims to increase the number of minority scientists and engineers throughout the DoD.
GVSC Local Intern
These are interns that are attending classes at an accredited university or college, may or may not be able to work for us part time (Depends on school schedule) during their school schedule will work for us full time during the summer and any school breaks, Upon Graduation they are promoted (based on performance) to the full time recent graduate program.
GVSC Summer Intern
GVSC Summer Hire Program mission is to expose students to the multiple engineering and technological possibilities that are critical to improve the effectiveness of our soldiers.
Innovative Student Internship Program (ISIP)
ISIP (formally known as MUSIP) is a 10-week summer internship program at CBC for undergraduate students designed to foster research, development and testing at designated CBC engineering and research laboratories. In conjunction with a mentor, chosen applicants will participate and conduct science and engineering research in areas of interest to CBC.
Physical Science Laboratory @ New Mexico State University (NMSU)
Students in the Lab and in the Field
The involvement of NMSU students in applied research projects has been a cornerstone of our important mission and over the last 75 years, we have employed nearly 20,000 students and co-ops.
Students from various majors have found employment opportunities, while gaining valuable academic, professional and leadership experience.
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory Research Associateship Program (RAP)
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Research Associateship Program (RAP) Summer Student Experience (managed by ORAU) is an educational program that allows students and recent graduates to participate in a paid research experience at a Department of Defense laboratory over the summer break. Scientists and engineers at ARL help shape and execute the Army's program for meeting the challenge of developing technologies that will support Army forces in meeting future operational needs.
Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Internship Program
United States Army Cadet Command(USACC) Four week internship program is a leader development initiative to help develop, retain, and ultimately commission quality ROTC cadets as Second Lieutenants. All Cadets participating are volunteers. As a host agency we develop projects to expose the cadets to our labs and technologies. The Cadets are all assigned both a Military and a Civilian Sponsor.
Scientific, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Student Employment Program (SSEP)
The SSEP is direct hire authority for students enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) in an academic program in pursuit of Scientific, Technical, Engineering or Mathematical (STEM) courses of study leading to a bachelor’s or advanced degree. SSEP Interns may work either part-time or full-time, as long as it does not interfere with their academic schedule. The purpose of this program is to streamline the hiring process which allows labs to successfully compete with private industry for high caliber STEM students when filling scientific and engineering positions. SSEP interns who have successfully completed the program may be noncompetitively converted flexible length renewable term or permanent career ladder positions in the competitive service at the lab Director’s discretion.
The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) contract
The UTEP College of Engineering believes that a significant portion of educational opportunities afforded to you can be found in experiences that occur beyond the four wall of a classroom, and to achieve this we aim to engage you in co-operative education and internships. We understand the challenges of obtaining these experiences but we are strategically partnered with the University Career Center to build your resume, develop your professional skill set and meet the employers seeking to hire you.
USA Cadet Command Intern Program
The program's funding is from the Department of the Army Human Resources Command. Provides four-week summer placement opportunities to Army Cadet Corps members in one of the Army labs to conduct joint research projects with Army laboratory scientists during a cadet's approved CLT time frame. The primary goal is to build in-house research capacity by exposing faculty to cutting-edge scientific work. Work Cadets can take back to their campus to improve curriculum, research products, and student outcomes while exposing the Army Research Laboratory capabilities to future military leaders.
York College Co-Op
Partnership with York College, PA, where we bring current students onboard as interns, that are required to work one year of engineering cooperative work experience (co-op). They work full-time during this year of co-op, and are paid for their time. Students gain real-world professional engineering experience.
Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) Apprenticeship Program
AEOP provides high school through Post Doc students with hands on STEM research opportunities in DoD and university laboratories across the United States and its Territories. Participating in AEOP apprenticeships offers students the unique opportunity to be mentored and trained by senior Army, Army sponsored, or university faculty researchers while conducting real world research. Furthermore, they learn about education and career opportunities in a variety of different STEM fields to help make informed career decisions and support their retained interest in STEM.
Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART)
The SMART Program, part of the Department of Defense (DoD) science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) portfolio, provides STEM students with the tools needed to pursue higher education and begin a rewarding career with the DoD. With a full scholarship, students pursuing STEM degrees will be able to focus on complex research to further the DoD's mission and create a lasting impact. SMART is offered throughout Army, Air Force, Navy and other DOD sponsoring facilities spanning multiple states. Students pursuing degrees in approximately 21 STEM disciplines may apply. There are more than 17 participating Army Sponsoring Facilities spread across 61 locations.
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Facilitates collaboration between academia and DOE to advance scientific research and education, coordination, and execution of cooperative research jointly funded by DOE and universities or industry. Students will be able to conduct real-world research while networking with peers in order to gain a better knowledge of the field they are interested in pursuing a career in the STEM workforce.
DoD Cyber Scholarship Program (CySP)
DoD CySP designed to encourage the recruitment of the nation’s top cyber talent and the retention of DoD personnel who have skills necessary to meet DoD’s cyber requirements and help secure our nation against threats of information systems and networks. Provide scholarships to students in pursuit of cyber-related degree at National Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cyber Education: Cyber Defense (CAE-CD), Cyber Defense Research (CAE-R) or Cyber Operations (CAE- CO).
DoD Historically Black College and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions Summer Faculty Research Fellowship
DoD HBCU/MI Summer Research Fellowship program aims to strengthen the collaboration between the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and STEM faculty affiliated with Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) and Minority Institutions (MI). Participation requires a commitment of ten consecutive weeks.
DoD Historically Black College and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions Summer Research Program
The DoD HBCU/MI Summer Research Program provides a bridge between the classroom and real-world experiences and aims to increase the number of minority scientists and engineers throughout the DoD.
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory Research Associateship Program (RAP)
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Research Associateship Program (RAP) Summer Student Experience (managed by ORAU) is an educational program that allows students and recent graduates to participate in a paid research experience at a Department of Defense laboratory over the summer break. Scientists and engineers at ARL help shape and execute the Army's program for meeting the challenge of developing technologies that will support Army forces in meeting future operational needs.
Scientific, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Student Employment Program (SSEP)
The SSEP is direct hire authority for students enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) in an academic program in pursuit of Scientific, Technical, Engineering or Mathematical (STEM) courses of study leading to a bachelor’s or advanced degree. SSEP Interns may work either part-time or full-time, as long as it does not interfere with their academic schedule. The purpose of this program is to streamline the hiring process which allows labs to successfully compete with private industry for high caliber STEM students when filling scientific and engineering positions. SSEP interns who have successfully completed the program may be noncompetitively converted flexible length renewable term or permanent career ladder positions in the competitive service at the lab Director’s discretion.
The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) contract
The UTEP College of Engineering believes that a significant portion of educational opportunities afforded to you can be found in experiences that occur beyond the four wall of a classroom, and to achieve this we aim to engage you in co-operative education and internships. We understand the challenges of obtaining these experiences but we are strategically partnered with the University Career Center to build your resume, develop your professional skill set and meet the employers seeking to hire you.
AFC’s Office of Small Business Programs seeks to maximize innovative small business sources that support Army readiness by serving as a small business industrial base advocate.
The office works extensively with the small business community, connecting small businesses to Army modernization efforts to increase the Army’s ability to be consistently innovative, responsive, flexible, and cost-effective.
At AFC, we are focused on developing and then delivering capabilities for our Soldiers to win our nation’s wars. Our ability to develop those capabilities is based on building and enhancing collaborative relationships with entrepreneurs, innovators, and our industry partners to find dual-use disruptive technologies to solve identified Army problems.
At the Office of Small Business Programs, we also recognize that many businesses may be small in size but BIG in powerful ideas, and we are excited to partner with fledgling companies that bring new perspectives and bold solutions to the table.
Get in touch with us via Email:
Useful Websites:
Project Convergence is a campaign of learning, experimentation and demonstration aimed at aggressively integrating the Army’s weapons and command and control systems with those of the rest of the Joint Force.
Project Convergence ensures the Army, as part of the Joint and Combined fight, can rapidly and continuously converge effects across all domains – land, air, sea, space and cyberspace.
Project Convergence is designed around five core components:
Project Convergence Video [YouTube Link]
To contact the Army Software Factory, please send an email:
More information about the Army Software Factory can be found under the "Who We Are" tab above.
Welcome Guide [PDF - 94.8 KB]
AFC Resource Guide [PDF - 353.7 KB]
AFC 24/7 SHARP Hotline: 512-914-2948
DoD SAFE HELPLINE: 1-877-995-5247 www.safehelpline.org
MEO Hotline: 512-726-4536
AFC Anti-Harassment Policy [PDF - 97.5 KB]
AFC EEO Policy [PDF - 96.4 KB]
AFC Reasonable Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities [PDF - 122.6 KB]
Human Relations EEO-MEO Organization Chart [PDF - 155.1 KB]
AFC Portal
SharePoint Portal - CAC access is required.
In 2015, the United States Army Material Command (USAAMC), with approval from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, or ASA(ALT), consolidated, renamed and rebranded the Army’s Greatest Innovation (AGI) / Soldiers’ Greatest Innovation (SGI) award programs into the Major General Harold “Harry” J. Greene Award for Innovation.
In 2019, a memorandum of understanding was signed between USSAMC and Army Futures Command that transferred the Engineer and Scientist Career Management Career Program 16 (CP-16) and with it, the Major General Greene Award for Innovation.
The purpose of the program is to annually recognize new and innovation technologies provided by the Army’s Research and Development (R&D) and Science and Technology (S&T) communities, as well as Soldiers in the field, that greatly enhance the overall readiness while positively impacting Soldier performance.
MAJ. Jeffrey Kugelman
Ms. Raina Kumar, Mr. George Martinez
Ms. Janelle Ober
MAJ. Mathanraj Packiam
Mr. Mariano Sanchez-Lockhart
Ms. Gina Hartnett
From Army Contracting Command – New Jersey:
Mr. David Drag
Ms. Christina Makhijani
From DEVCOM Armaments Center:
Mr. Scott Ammon
Mr. Paul Betts
Mr. Joshua Brunn
Mr. Raymond Chaplin
Mr. William Crepeault
Mr. Christopher Drake
Mr. Marco Duca
Mr. Richard Field
Mr. Joshua Gallagher
Mr. Christopher Gandy
Mr. Alexander Gazdalski
Mr. Kip Hess
Mr. Joseph Juarez
Mr. Joseph Kerry
Mr. Robert Kim
Mr. Harry Lee
Ms. Jacqueline Longcore
Mr. Joseph Paras
Mr. Jignesh Patel
Mr. Alexander Pearce
Ms. Jane Petreski
Mr. David Pfau
Ms. Susan Polinski
Mr. Jose Reyes
Ms. Jamie Robinson
Mr. Joseph Rokosz
Ms. Michelle Schultz
Mr. Jeffrey Scull
Mr. Robert Sulzbach
Mr. Richard Swanson
Mr. David Thomas
Mr. Christopher Vesper
Mr. Matthew Volkmann
Mr. Karl Weiss
Mr. Thomas Zahn
From DEVCOM Army Research Lab:
Mr. David “Mark” Andrews
Mr. Tyler Ehlers
Mr. Charles Eichhorst
Mr. Daniel Gubernat
Mr. Lee Magness
Mr. James Newill
Mr. Gregory Oberlin
From DEVCOM Data & Analysis Center:
Mr. Kevin Jubb
From JPEO Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems:
Mr. Luke Falk
COL Andrew Lunoff
COL John “Todd” Masternak
Mr. Robert Muth
1st Lt. Mahdi Al-Husseini of the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade
Ms. Carole Winterhalter of the DEVCOM Soldier Center
View the 2020 Award Winners and Nominees [PDF - 5.3 MB]
Maj. Gen. Harold “Harry” J. Greene was an outstanding leader and Soldier who leveraged his passion for engineering to make lasting contributions to the Army acquisition and systems community. He was killed in 2014 during an attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, where he had been serving as the deputy commanding general of the Combined Security Transition Command. Previous to that assignment, he was the deputy for acquisition and systems management (acquisition, logistics and technology) from April 2012 to January 2014. His previous roles included program executive officer for intelligence, electronic warfare and sensors from May 2011 to April 2012 and RDECOM deputy commanding general / senior commander at Natick Soldier Systems Center from May 2009 to May 2011.
Maj. Gen. Greene was commissioned through the Reserve Officer Training Corps in 1980. His education included a bachelor of science in materials engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; a master of science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; a master in industrial engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; a master of science in materials engineering from the University of Southern California; a master of strategic studies from the U.S. Army War College; a master of science in mechanical engineering from the University of Southern California; and a doctorate in materials engineering from the University of Southern California.
His awards and decorations included the Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Meritorious Service Medal with five Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Commendation Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Achievement Medal and the Army Staff Identification Badge.
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