•The Department of the Army (DA) Army Regulation (AR) 1-10 — Administration Fundraising Within the Department of the Army —prescribes general policy for administering all fundraising activities within the DA. Also, it specifically defines policy, procedures, and responsibilities for fundraising in support of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and complies with public law and guidance from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Department of Defense (DoD).
•Apart from fundraising or OPM approved fundraising for an emergency or disaster appeal, the Army Emergency Relief (AER) annual campaign is the only fundraising the Army may conduct Army-wide. Fundraising in support of AER must be conducted in accordance with AR 930-4 and the general provisions AR 1-10.
•DA Servicemembers and DA Civilians may endorse in their official capacities only CFC fundraising; fundraising specifically approved by the Director, OPM for an emergency or disaster appeal; fundraising for the AER annual campaign; and local fundraising on behalf of welfare funds for organizations composed primarily of Army personnel or their Family members, including Army morale, welfare and recreation nonappropriated fund activities.
•Only CFC and AER may solicit on the job for a monetary contribution or a pledge of a monetary contribution.
•The Office of the Administrative Assistant (OAA) to the Secretary of the Army Special Programs Directorate (SPD) provides the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Campaign Manager for the National Capital Area (covering the District of Columbia and several counties in Maryland and Virginia) and OAA’s internal campaign.
•CFC is the world's largest annual workplace charity campaign with almost 200 CFC campaigns throughout the country raising millions of dollars each year by donations made by Federal civilian, postal and military donors during the campaign season for an estimated 20,000 participating nonprofit charities throughout the world. The Director of OPM has designated responsibility for day-to-day management of the program and to its CFC office.
•The CFC campaigning occurs each year 1 September through 15 January.
•You can find more information about the CFC at https://www.opm.gov/about-us/combined-federal-campaign
•Q & A : https://www.opm.gov/frequently-asked-questions/combined-federal-campaign-faq/cfc...
•During the Campaign, personnel can pledge monetary donations or volunteer hours for charities online via the centralized giving platform at https://cfcgiving.opm.gov/welcome or the CFC Giving Mobile App.
See your organization campaign manager for your organization codes.
For OAA employees, to ensure OAA gets credit see below CFC codes:
•The Office of the Administrative Assistant (OAA) to the Secretary of the Army Special Program Directorate (SPD) leads the Army Emergency Relief (AER) Fundraising Campaign for Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) annually from 1 March to 31 May.
•AER is Army’s nonprofit financial assistance organization; AER provides a direct path for donors to support Soldiers and Army Families. Based 100 percent on donations, AER has provided $2 billion in assistance to nearly 4 million members of the Army team since 1942, including $1 billion since 9/11.
•For more about the AER overall see https://www.armyemergencyrelief.org/
•Contributions to AER are tax deductible. Personnel can donate online at https://www.armyemergencyrelief.org/
•At the website you will find are two ways to contribute: Online (credit card, echeck, PayPal) or Active duty and retired Soldiers can donate by payroll (Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS)) allotment
For questions on either CFC or AER or Army Fundraising you can contact us at usarmy.belvoir.hqda-oaa.mbx.fundraising-program@army.mil