U.S. Army Forces Command



Headquartered at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, United States Army Forces Command consists of more than 750,000 Active Army, U.S. Army Reserve, and Army National Guard soldiers.

FORSCOM is the largest United States Army command and provider of expeditionary, regionally engaged, campaign-capable land forces to combatant commanders.

Forces Command trains and prepares a combat ready, globally responsive Total Force in order to build and sustain readiness to meet Combatant Command requirements. The vision of Forces Command is to provide combat ready and globally responsive Total Army Forces that are well led, disciplined, trained, and expeditionary that will win in a complex world.

Its organizations are expeditionary, campaign focused, and tailorable to provide combatant commanders the required capabilities to be decisive across the range of military operations.


FORSCOM trains and prepares a combat ready, globally responsive Total Force in order to build and sustain readiness to meet Combatant Command requirements.


FORSCOM produces combat ready and globally responsive Total Army Forces that are well led, disciplined, trained, and expeditionary ready now to deploy and win in Large Scale Combat Operations against near-peer threats.

The FORSCOM Frontline Podcast

During each episode, we will showcase how FORSCOM is contributing to the Army's priorities of People, Readiness and Modernization. We'll also be highlighting our diverse organization that is ready now to fight and win our nation's wars while continuing to improve and modernize our force.

Find all of our episodes here or on YouTube

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  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    What’s the coolest job on the planet? I guess that depends on who you ask, but I’m gonna venture to say if you’re a Soldier, blowing things up rates pretty high on the cool scale. Even as a little girl, I was always part of the Shenanigan’s my brothers and neighborhood friends were involved in that entailed explosives (typically firecrackers) in a mailbox or two. Don’t judge ‘cause I turned out okay although, some may beg to differ.

    Anyway, to this day I still remember feeling the excitement of being part of a clandestine team and how empowering it was. So, when I joined the Army and got to throw grenades in basic training and fire-off a 50-Cal. with members of my platoon in PLDC, I was definitely in my element!

    My chosen path though, both as a Soldier and DA Civilian, was far less volatile and definitely didn’t involve explosions--save for the occasional faulty ink cartridge in the now long defunct dot-matrix old-school office printer. No. Any aspirations I may have had to blow stuff up on the regular, were left behind like a bad MRE on an equally bad FTX. So, here I am, quietly working as a Public Affairs Specialist at the headquarters of the Army’s largest command, writing this blog, and prepping you to join me to read the stories of the amazing men and women, Soldiers and Civilians of FORSCOM who get to do cool stuff every day.

    My name is Mikie P, and this is “Take 5.” Every month I’ll sit down with someone and (gently) interrogate them into telling me their career story, share it with you in 750 words (give or take) and do so with a candid and lighthearted approach because as serious as serving your country can be-whether in uniform or as a civilian, there are always things that happen along the way that are funny. So, if the stories I share on “Take 5” inspire someone to take the Oath of Enlistment and serve in uniform or inspire a recent college grad to ditch their minimum-wage go-nowhere-job and become a civil servant, then that’s a win, too.

    So, buckle-up, settle-in, and take about five minutes on Friday, March 1st, for the very first installment of “Take 5” as I share with you the story of Michael Plott, Team Chief for Data Visualization at FORSCOM HQ’s and how he went from being an unappreciated member of the IQ Crew, to supervising fellow DA Civilians responsible for FORSCOM’s web applications. (It’s I-T stuff…only bigger!) See you soon!

    Find “Take 5” at U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) | LinkedIn or on FORSCOM social media at

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