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U.S. Army PEO Enterprise

Every Soldier. Every Day.

About PEO Enterprise

About PEO Enterprise

Program Executive Office Enterprise (PEO Enterprise), formerly known as Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS), delivers enterprise solutions driving Army dominance.

In support of the Army’s Digital Transformation, PEO Enterprise is transforming into a fully Agile acquisition organization, modernizing, managing and enhancing the Army’s enterprise business systems. Those systems help keep the Army running every day and touch every domain, branch, unit, Soldier and Army Civilian worldwide.

Across the PEO Enterprise portfolio, there are five O-6 project management offices that manage around 50 projects and supporting efforts spanning six domains: data and data analytics, training and readiness, force management, finance and accounting, human capital and logistics. Our Chief Information Office provides Agile support and standardized tools and resources for the PMs, and our assistant program executive officers ensure top quality of our products and services.

Speed, simplicity and excellence define our work. We’re focused on speeding up the acquisition process, streamlining software development and putting Soldiers in the driver’s seat to ensure they get the capability they need. All of this helps drive efficiency for our Army — doing fewer things and doing them better — and executing more at greater speed, focusing on Every Soldier. Every Day.

Current Army Vantage Lines of Effort (LOE)

  • Supports the automated access to facilitate the certification of delivered equipment (IAW1225.06) from investment appropriations. Enables assessment of how delivered equipment impacts the current equipping posture.

  • Construct a novel data asset built from source systems to support a shared understanding of current readiness levels and concerns within the Army Aviation Enterprise. Integration of data at a minimum for aircraft and parts from Consolidated Aviation Maintenance Management System (CAMMS), Global Combat Support System (GCSS)-Army, and Logistics Modernization Program (LMP) will produce insight into current readiness levels and aircraft part availability.

  • Automate the visibility of personnel, equipment, life support and operationalize that data asset as an authoritative source within the Army’s Mission Command Data Fabric architecture. Supports maneuver commanders and staff in the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) and the full spectrum of combat and stability operations to deliver a Single Pane of Glass to enable decision dominance.

  • Integrate real-time or near-real time financial, asset management, and force structure sources in order to provide a complete data foundation for the Army’s industrial operations environment. The linkage between financial and asset data, in addition to readiness requirements, will in turn generate a clear relation between readiness drivers, industrial base assets, and capacity with financial transactions.

  • This LOE aims to capture the mapping of squads to bring together existing squad-level analytic efforts across the Army in a way that empowers the NCO to know their Soldiers, their equipment, and assist with task tracking which allows company level leadership to asses and analyze their squads.

When requesting access, you will need:

  • Chrome Browser provides the best experience in using the platform.
  • Access to NIPRNet.
  • A current Cyber Awareness Training Certificate, available here.
  • The name, email, and phone number for the account being requested.
  • A current Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Training Certificate, available here.

Please following the following steps when requesting an account:

  1. With your CAC inserted, navigate to the Army Vantage site on NIPR here.
  2. Click on the button to Request Access.
  3. Fill out the personal information section. *Note, you will also need to upload your PDF certificate of completion(s) for Cyber Awareness and, if needed, Safeguarding PII.
  4. Read and acknowledge the Army Vantage Acceptable User Policy.
  5. Review your information.
  6. Submit your request.

Once your account request has been submitted:

  • Your request will be reviewed by the Vantage Program Team. If there are any questions about your request form, a member of the Vantage team will reach out to you.
  • After completing this process for a NIPR Account, if you have the need for a SIPR account please complete the same process on SIPRnet by navigating here. You will not be requested to upload any certificates as part of the SIPR process since your certificates will already be on file via the NIPR account provisioning process.

For questions regarding your account or other account-related support, please email the Army Vantage Helpdesk,

Army Vantage - Getting Started

For a brief overview of getting started within Vantage, please access the following PDF below via our Community of Practice.

Army Vantage - Getting Started

Army Vantage - Printable Desk Reference