Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army (CASAs) are business and community leaders appointed by the Secretary to advise and support Army leaders across the country. CASAs come from many professions including business, education, finance, industry, law, the media, medicine and public service. Each is proactively involved in the community and brings to the position an interest in the Army, a high degree of business and civic leadership and an ability to influence the public. CASAs are Special Government Employees who agree to serve as representatives of the Secretary of the Army without salary, wages or related benefits, and are afforded a 3-star protocol status.
CASAs bridge the gap between the Army and civilian community by disseminating information about the Army's objectives and major programs to the public through speeches, personal contact and participation in Army and community events. CASAs assist with recruiting by increasing the positive image of the Army and connecting Army recruiters to key influencers in the community.
CASAs provide individual advice to the Secretary of the Army on public sentiments toward the Army. CASAs work closely with Army leaders and installation commanders and serve as the Secretary' s liaison for Army National Guard and Army Reserve matters. They also engage with local, regional, and state officials, Federal Agencies, Members of Congress and their staff.
Each CASA is committed to supporting all Department of Army Civilians, Soldiers and their Families. In particular, CASAs partner with the Soldier for Life program to assist Soldiers as they transition from the Army.
Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army (CASAs) was founded in 1916 during the World War I era as part of the Military Training Camps Association (MTCA). The MTCAs supported national defense through the military training of citizens who could be called to active duty in the event of war. In November 1922, Secretary of War John W. Weeks officially recognized the MTCA as a "cooperating agency," both to recognize its positive effect in preparing officers for war and to continue fostering voluntary military training. He approved a proposal by the MTCA that select members be appointed as civilian aides to the Secretary of War. In 1940, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson kept the system of civilian aides intact and, during World War II, the Army called upon aides for important and, in some cases, highly confidential duties. It was in 1950 that Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, Jr. redesigned the program to promote better relations between the Army and civilian communities. The MTCA became part of the Office of the Secretary of the Army in 1953 and was redesignated as the CASA program. The CASA program office was relocated for administrative support to the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army in July 2010 and designated as the CASA Directorate. For 100 years, the CASAs have served as Army’s ambassadors in communities around the U.S. and its territories, providing critical connections to build partnerships and enhance relationships. Today, CASAs are business leaders, community leaders and force multipliers appointed by the Secretary to advise and support Army leaders.
Proclamation.pdf [PDF - 621.7 KB]
Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army (CASA) are essential to the Army’s ability to connect with America by helping to build partnerships and strengthening relationships in their communities. The role of a CASA varies greatly based on geographic location; proximity to Army installations or activities and support of local recruiting brigades of battalions. Some of the common roles the CASAs play are below:
Recruiting is the #1 priority for CASAs. They support the Total Army Recruiting mission by using their community connections to link the Army to influencers within the community.
CASAs support:
Prospect Campaigns. Prospect campaigns are activities that ensure authentic access to high schools, trade schools, community colleges, colleges universities, pre-med, healthcare professional career schools and similar settings.
Awareness Campaigns. Support activities that will reach the general public through participation in public activities such as parades, fairs, festivals, community celebrations, military open-house functions, job fairs, and public meetings.
Tell the Army Story. Using media access and community engagement, CASAs facilitate meaningful interactions between Army recruiters, key influencers, and youth with a propensity to serve.
CASAs are America's link to the Army!
Each component faces unique challenges, and as leaders in their states or territories, CASAs play a unique role by being the Secretary’s link to the Guard and Reserve. In particular, CASAs in states with little to no Active-Duty presence are almost exclusively involved with National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers. CASAs typically develop strong relationships with The Adjutant General (TAG) and reserve units since local need varies greatly.
CASAs support our Soldiers and their Families as they transition out of uniform by partnering with the Soldier for Life program. This includes taking care of the Soldier’s Families and assisting with job opportunities for transition Soldiers, veterans and their spouses.
CASAs are often asked to speak at similar events listed above, as well as military and veteran services organization events. These events provide an opportunity to disseminate information about the Army and its priorities. The CASA Program Office regularly distributes Army talking points, top line messages, the Secretary’s priorities, and other pertinent information. However, most information can easily be found online or through your local Army contacts.
CASAs use their extensive outreach to support Soldiers and civilians while they serve. As the eyes and ears in the community, CASAs keep a pulse of the Total Army and provide genuine feedback on Army decisions and actions that affect Soldiers and families.
Click below to find the CASA for your geographic location.
North - Email: McBride, Kristen; Bio: McBride, K.pdf
South - Email: Schmitz, Michael; Bio: Schmitz, M.pdf
North - Email: Jones, Timothy; Bio: Jones, Timothy.pdf
South - Email: Robinson, Kevin; Bio: Robinson, Kevin.pdf
Territory-Wide - Email: Ho Ching_J. Bio: Ho Ching_J.pdf
South - Email: Coronado, Ben; Bio: Coronado, B.pdf
South - Email: Denno, Linda; Bio: Denno. L.pdf
North - Email: Diaz, Mario; Bio: Diaz, M.pdf
Arkansas - Email: Dr. Salo, Edward Bio: Salo_E.pdf
San Francisco - Email: Benton, Mark; Bio: Benton_M.pdf
Coastal-South - Email: Chin, M. Janet; Bio: Chin_J.pdf
Greater Los Angeles - Email: Guerra, Mario; Bio: Guerra_M.pdf
Silicon Valley - Email: Hamel, Jeffrey; Bio: Hamel_J.pdf
Los Angeles - Email: Hong, Sonki; Bio: Hong_S.pdf
Sacramento - Email: Izumi, Lance; Bio: Izumi_L.pdf
Sacramento - Email: Pattillo, Charles; Bio: Pattillo_C.pdf [PDF - 189.1 KB]
Central - Email: Rios, Lorenzo; Bio: Rios_L.pdf
Pacific North Sierras - Email: Sanborn, Gilbert ; Bio: Sanborn_G.pdf
North - Email: Hanzlik, William; Bio: Hanzlik_W.pdf
South - Email: McWilliams, Terrance; Bio: McWilliams_T.pdf
Territory-Wide - Email: Sablan, Michael; Bio: Sablan_M.pdf
Statewide - Email: Stull, John; Bio: Stull_J.pdf
Statewide - Email: Showell, Angela; Bio: Showell_A.pdf
District Wide - Email: Dixon, L. Anita; Bio: Dixon_L.pdf
Central - Email: Braswell, Allie; Bio: Braswell_A.pdf
Central - Email: Dunham, Landy; Bio: Dunham_L.pdf
South - Email: Johnson Ph.D, Jeraline; Bio: Johnson_J.pdf
Tampa Bay - Email: Martinez-Monfort, L; Bio: Martinez-Monfort_L.pdf
Treasure Coast - Email: Newman, Ph.D., Pamela; Bio: Newman_P.pdf
South - Email: Vacant; Bio:
North - Email: Dr. Tan, Peter; Bio: Tan_P.pdf
Northeast - Email: Tyre, James; Bio: Tyre_J.pdf
West - Email: Hargrove, John; Bio: Hargrove_J.pdf
Coastal Region - Email: Hoffman, Peter; Bio: Hoffman_P.pdf
North - Email: Odom, Angela; Bio: Odom_A.pdf
North - Email: Phillips, John; Bio: Phillips_J.pdf
Territory Wide - Email: Enriquez, Noel; Bio: Enriquez_N.pdf
Island of Hawaii - Email: Kalipi, D. Noelani; Bio: Kalipi_D.pdf
Oahu East - Email: Tam, Gilbert; Bio: Tam_G.pdf
Idaho - Email: Greco, G. Thomas; Bio: Greco_T.pdf
North - Email: Bland, James "Jim"; Bio: Bland_J.pdf
West - Email: Fontaine, Yves; Bio: Fontaine_Y.pdf
North - Email: Herman, Steven; Bio: Herman_S.pdf
South - Email: Moulton, John; Bio: Moulton_J.pdf
Statewide - Email: Soderstrom, Stan; Bio: Soderstrom_S.pdf
East - Email: Waterman, Dana; Bio: Waterman_D.pdf
East - Email: Hockley, Michael ; Bio: Hockley_M.pdf
Stateside - Email: Stuckey, D. Scott; Bio: Stuckey_D.pdf
North - Email: Iacocca, James; Bio: Iacocca_J.pdf
West - Email: Pendleton, Kelli; Bio: Pendleton_K.pdf
North - Email: O'Bryan, Lance Bio: O'Bryan_L.pdf
South - Email: Crean, Peter.; Bio: Crean_P.pdf
North - Email: Morris, Logan; Bio: Morris_L.pdf
Statewide - Email: Pennels, Brenda; Bio: Pennels_B.pdf
South - Email: Henry, Bobby; Bio: Henry_B.pdf
Statewide - Email: Jernigan, Mary Jane; Bio: Jernigan_M.pdf
Statewide - Driscoll, John; Bio: Driscoll_J.pdf
Statewide -Email: Gilmore, Nicole; Bio: Gilmore_N.pdf
North - Email: Allen, Jason; Bio: Allen_J.pdf
Statewide - Email: Carnrike, Tammy; Bio: Carnrike_T.pdf
Statewide - Email: Ritchie, Donald; Bio: Ritchie_M.pdf
Statewide - Email: Collins, A. Leon; Bio: Collins_A.pdf
Missouri (North) - Email: Driskill, Joseph "Joe"; Bio: Driskill_J.pdf
Missouri (South) - Email: Morris, Richard "Rick"; Bio: Morris_R.pdf
Statewide - Email: Vacura, Julie; Bio: Vacura_J.pdf
Statewide - Email: Burch, Richard Bio: Burch_Richard.pdf
Statewide -Email: Malone, Susan: Bio: Malone_S.pdf
South - Email: Lumbad, Lester R. Bio:Lumbad_L.pdf
Statewide - Email: Corsetti, Ronald "Ron"; Bio: Corsetti_R.pdf
North - Email: Eastman, Richard; Bio: Eastman_R.pdf
Statewide - Email: Purdo-Jeffries. Erica; Bio: Purdo_E.pdf
North -Email: White, Donna; Bio: White_D.pdf
Statewide - Email: Jackson, Richard; Bio: Jackson_R.pdf
North - Email: Butler, Joseph; Bio: Butler_J.pdf
Midstate - Email: Kubala, Elizabeth; Bio: Kubala_E.pdf
South - Email: Shindel, Ronald "Ron"; Bio: Shindel_R.pdf
East - Email: Dederick, Danny; Bio: Dederick_D.pdf
West - Email: Martin, Mabry; Bio: Martin_M.pdf
West - Email: Shwedo, Blair; Bio: Shwedo_B.pdf
Statewide - Email: Sizer, Shelly; Bio: Sizer_S.pdf
Central - Email: Green, Susan; Bio: Green_S.pdf
North - Email: Kwasniak, Babe; Bio: Kwasniak_B.pdf
North - Email: Mansfield, Eric; Bio: Mansfield_E.pdf
South - Email: Lee, Stephen; Bio: Lee_S.pdf
North - Email: Castilla. Jill; Bio: Castilla_J.pdf
North - Email: Offel, Kevin; Bio: Offel_K.pdf
South - Email: Brown, Michael; Bio: Brown_M.pdf
Statewide - Email: Wilhelm, Craig; Bio: Wilhelm_C.pdf
Central - Email: Eggert, Carol; Bio: Eggert_C.pdf
East -Email: Wong, Kenneth; Bio: Wong_K.pdf
West - Dr. Suica-Reed, Terrie; Bio: Suica-Reed_T.pdf
Territory-Wide- Email: Soto, Luis; Bio: Soto_L.pdf
Statewide - Dr. Morales, Ricardo; Bio: Morales_R.pdf
Statewide - Email: Shwedo, Kevin; Bio: Shwedo_K.pdf
Statewide - Vacant
North - Email: Harpell, J. Phil; Bio: Harpel_J.pdf
South - Email: Schulz, Ralph; Bio: Schulz_R.pdf
East - Email: Purser, Leslie; Bio: Purser_L.pdf
North - Email: Anderson, Darcy; Bio: Anderson_D.pdf
South - Email: Bray, Joseph; Bio: Bray_J.pdf
Central - Email: Cox, Kendall "Ken"; Bio: Cox_K.pdf
North - Email: DePinto, Joseph; Bio: DePinto_J.pdf
East - Email: Email: Kopra, Timothy; Bio: Kopra_T.pdf
Brazos Valley- Email: Pugh, Daniel; Bio: Pugh_D.pdf
West - Email: Rodriguez, Gus; Bio: Rodriguez_G.pdf
Capital Region - Email: Subhani, Abdul; Bio: Subhani_A.pdf
East - Email: Trevino, Myrna; Bio: Trevino_M.pdf
Statewide - Email: Taylor, Jennie; Bio: Taylor_J.pdf
Statewide: Email: Baranow, Keith; Bio: Baranow_K.pdf
Territory-Wide - Email: Edwards, Beresford; Bio: Edwards_B.pdf
South - Email: Flanagan, Michael; Bio: Flanagan_M.pdf
North - Email: Jean-Louis, Nancy; Bio: Jean-Louis_N.pdf
East - Email: Condon, David; Bio: Condon_D.pdf
West - Email: Yoshitani, Tay; Bio: Yoshitani_T.pdf
West - Email: Reisinger, Aaron; Bio: Reisinger_A.pdf
Statewide - Vitale, Francis S., Bio: Vitale_F.pdf
Statewide - Email: Anderson, Marcia; Bio: Anderson_M.pdf
Statewide - Fitton, Robert A. Bio: Fitton_R.pdf
To be eligible, CASA nominees will—
AR_1-15 Authenticated Regulation.pdf March 16, 2023 [PDF - 246.1 KB]
Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army
105 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310-0105
On 15 April, 2014, the CASA Program became a commemorative partner with the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration Partner Program which is designed for federal, state and local communities, veterans' organizations and other nongovernmental organizations to assist a grateful nation in thanking and honoring our Vietnam Veterans and their families. Commemorative Partners are encouraged to participate in the Commemoration of the Vietnam War by planning and conducting events and activities that will recognize the Vietnam Veterans and their families' service, valor and sacrifice.
Read the President's Proclamation of the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War (pdf).
Read the Thank You Letter to CASA from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (pdf).
Visit The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration
National POW/MIA Recognition Day on Friday, Tuesday, September 3 September 2024
View Objectives Poster (pdf)
Kentucky (North) September 2014 - Jerry Cecil, CASA for Kentucky (North), helps kick off Kentucky's 10-year effort to honor Vietnam veterans. Read Article
War Commemoration Situational Report- 2015
VWC SITREP 2015 Issue 6.pdf [PDF - 185.2 KB]