Department of the Army launches campaign to enhance unit readiness and Soldier resilience

By U.S. ArmyMarch 12, 2013

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WASHINTON (March 12, 2013) -- Today, Secretary of the Army John McHugh launched the Army's Ready and Resilient Campaign. This comprehensive and far-reaching campaign is designed to guide the Army's efforts to build physical, emotional, and psychological resilience in our soldiers, families and civilians, and directly enhance personal and unit readiness.

Specifically, this campaign will help integrate and synchronize multiple Army-wide programs aimed at improving physical, psychological and emotional health. The campaign will review programs, processes and policies to ensure effectiveness and reduce redundancies, improve methods for commanders to understand high risk behaviors and intervene early, and continue improvements to the Integrated Disability Evaluation System. Finally, this campaign will work to reduce barriers and stigma associated with seeking help and will promote healthy lifestyles based on the performance triad of physical fitness, nutrition, and sleep.

"The Army's values, professionalism, and discipline have sustained the force during twelve years of persistent conflict. It is vitally important we incorporate the lessons learned during this period and continue to improve our people and the institution in order to remain trained and ready, regardless of the mission," said McHugh.

"Soldiers are, and will always be, the centerpiece of our Army. The readiness and resiliency of our soldiers, civilians and family members is dependent on their physical, mental, and emotional fitness. To ensure the health and well-being of the entire team, our goal is to invest in and improve the performance of every individual on the team. Our success requires engaged leadership at all levels, a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, and effective prioritization of resources," said Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno.

Related Links:

Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno Blog

Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno

Secretary of the Army John McHugh Features: Ready and Resilient

STAND-TO!: Integrated Disability Evaluation System

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