Army Space Support Team 2 returns safety home

By DJ Montoya (SMDC/ARSTRAT)February 22, 2013

Army Space Support Team 2 Actions Result in 36 'Bad Guys' Being Taken Out
Maj. Kert Switzer (center), Army Space Support Team 2 leader, prepares to return the 1st Space Battalion mission coin to Lt. Col. Patrick Mullin (left), commander of the 1st Space Battalion, signifying 'mission accomplished' during a redeployment cer... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- Five members of Army Space Support Team 2, 2nd Space Company, 1st Space Battalion, were lauded during a redeployment ceremony at the 302nd Airlift Wing Headquarters auditorium Feb. 14.

The Army space warriors returning from a year's tour of duty in theater are: Maj. Kert Switzer, team leader; Capt. Erin Fella, deputy team leader; Staff Sgt. Theresa Escarciga, noncommissioned officer in charge/Intelligence NCO; Sgt. Andrew Smith, topographic NCO; and Spc. Samantha Bryen, information system and network technician.

Before a group made up of 1st Space Brigade personnel and family members, Col. James Meisinger, commander of the 1st Space Brigade, congratulated the team for its efforts in theater.

"This is a great event welcoming this team back," Meisinger said. "There are a couple of things that stand out about ARSST 2 -- leadership, technical expertise, and results. Those are the three things this team became known for during their year's time in Regional Command East."

Meisinger pointed to the team's ability to take some technical tools, make them better, and then export them around the theater, which contributed to tying together various forces and regional commands. The end result was 36 of the 'bad guys' being taken out.

"The mission to kill the enemy would not have happened without what this team put together," Meisinger said. "This was a great accomplishment that really raises the bar high."

Before receiving the mission coin from ARSST 2 leader Switzer, Lt. Col. Patrick Mullin, commander of the 1st Space Battalion spoke to those gathered.

"We recognize their sacrifice and their service and say job well done," Mullin said. "We also take this opportunity to thank the family members of these fine Soldiers. Without their dedication, without their sacrifice, these Soldiers could not execute the mission they did."

"Back in November of 2012 the battalion sergeant major and I had the opportunity to go out to Bagram, Afghanistan, and visit with ARSST 2. And similarly, to teams before them, they were very busy improving their 'fox holes,'" Mullin said. "They were passionate about the mission. Actually it was pretty exciting to see."

According to Mullin one of the things they developed -- spearheaded by Fella -- allows commanders to visualize the enemy situation.

"Pretty phenomenal work using outside the box thinking and know-how to make stuff happen, but this team did it! They produced more than 500 products, supported more than 119 operations, and they traveled at least 27 times as a mobile training team."

Army Space Support Teams support the Warfighter by delivering space-based capabilities such as: satellite communications; position, navigation and timing; and space weather and satellite imagery.