Security Assistance Enterprise partners with Poland

By USASAC News ReleaseFebruary 20, 2013

Security Assistance Enterprise partners with Poland
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

WARSAW, Poland -- Maj. Gen. Del Turner, commander of the U.S. Army Security Assistance Enterprise, met with Polish military officials Feb. 8 to discuss current and potential future Foreign Military Sales cases with Poland.

Representing Poland, Col. Adam Duda thanked Turner for the support USASAC has provided to the Polish soldiers serving in Afghanistan and to the modernization efforts of the Polish military.

The Polish military contingent provided an information briefing outlining the Armaments Directorate organizational structure, major tasks and functions and plans for a 10-year military modernization program including priorities of future procurements. The Polish contingent also asked Turner about the possibility of accelerating the delivery of portable electronic diagnosis kits for Polish land forces and special forces. These kits were purchased through 1206 funding, which authorizes U.S. funds to be used to train and equip military partners for military and stability operations in which U.S. forces participate, such as Afghanistan.

The effort to build partner capacity is a key objective of USASAC and part of the Army's goal to shape the environment.

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