TACOM LCMC Commander holds Town Hall

By Bill Gattie, TACOM LCMC Public AffairsOctober 24, 2012

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WARREN, Mich. (October 24, 2012) -- "Posturing for success as we transition from war to sustainment," was the theme for U.S. Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command (LCMC) Commander Maj. Gen. Michael J. Terry's second Town Hall held October 11 at the Detroit Arsenal and broadcast live to TACOM off-site locations. Terry also hosted the TACOM LCMC quarterly awards ceremony immediately following the Town Hall.

Terry pointed out that TACOM has earned a very positive reputation throughout the Army and shared a quote from Secretary of the Army, John McHugh: "TACOM is an amazing place with amazing people. They are forward-thinking, bright folks."

Terry congratulated all those who had worked hard to make the fiscal year end close out a success. "This was an incredibly challenging year end closeout due to the transition to GFEBS. In spite of this, we had a number of successes."

"We must posture ourselves to remain ready, relevant, and responsive," he said, referring to the challenges we face as part of the transition from war to sustainment. "Steep declines in our core workload threaten our ability to sustain our skills, technical competence, surge capacity, and cost efficiencies." He said that it is important to maintain both our organic and industrial bases in order to minimize these threats.

Developing a repeatable process to right size the workforce and maintain critical skill sets/core competencies must be an essential part of our human capital strategy in order to ensure a viable, flexible work force to meet Army future requirements. Terry said that he did not believe there would be any major reductions in force (RIFs) within the TACOM LCMC during fiscal year 2013.

He also indicated that Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA) and Voluntary Separation Insentive Pay (VSIP) were tools that may be used to help in this process of right sizing the work force. He emphasized the fact that VERA and VSIP were not entitlements, but merely tools that are being considered to minimize the adverse impact of future reductions on the TACOM LCMC work force.

Terry spoke about the importance of suicide prevention and presented some sobering statistics to illustrate his point. Suicides among active-duty troops averaged 33 a month this year (through September 2). July 2012 was the highest month in history, with 37 suicides in the month.

During the awards ceremony, Terry presented a large number of awards to employees in recognition of their accomplishments, as well as length of service and retirement certificates.