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Military Intelligence --this week in history. 27 October 1983

By U.S. ArmyOctober 19, 2012

Soviet communications equipment seized by US military personnel.
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Twenty-nine years ago this week, twenty-three technical intelligence

(TECHINT) analysts from the 513th Military Intelligence Group deployed to

the Caribbean Island of Grenada in support of Operation URGENT FURY. On 27

October, two days after the initial invasion, the Army first tasked the US

Army Intelligence and Security Command to deploy the analysts to support

XVIII Airborne Corps. Over the ensuing weeks, the 513th MI Group deployed

the analysts from the 203d Military Intelligence Battalion to identify,

collect, and sort captured foreign equipment. Most of the deployed 203d

Soldiers formed a modified Captured Material Exploitation Center. They

operated a collection point that would ship the significant items to

Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland for more detailed examination.

Unfortunately, widespread pilfering and destruction of some of the other

Soviet-made equipment limited the Army's abilities to fully exploit the

materiel. Nevertheless, the TECHINT analysts were able to ship off ZU-23

anti-aircraft guns, 82 mm mortars, and a BRDM-2 reconnaissance vehicle. The

last of the 513th's analysts departed Grenada in the early December 1983.

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"This Week in History" is a feature on the Command History Office website.