FORT JACKSON, S.C. -- On Oct. 1, Fort Jackson will transition its security guard force from contractors to federal employees. This action was required by Congress, which mandated that all federal installations replace their contract security guards with Department of the Army security guards.
This change will require adjustments to the installation's access procedures. Many of the current contract security guards who provide security at the gates are making the transition from contractor to federal employee. This transition allows them to bring their experiences and knowledge of Fort Jackson's security requirements with them. This is a big plus for Fort Jackson's security posture. In addition, newly hired employees will require a training period during which they are integrated into the guard force.
This transition period will require adjustments with regard to how installation gates are operated. The Fort Jackson community will notice adjustments to gate operating hours as well as increased random antiterrorist measures, which will maximize security personnel's ability to maintain the current security posture of the installation.
As hiring and training requirements are met, the community will see a gradual adjustment back to more traditional gate operating hours and procedures. Fort Jackson leadership asks for everyone's patience and cooperation during this transition. In the meantime, Gate 2 remains closed for renovation. The gate is scheduled to reopen Sept. 20.
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