FORT BENNING, Ga. (USASOC News Service, July 3, 2012) -- The Discovery Channel is scheduled to release a one hour documentary that follows a class through the 75th Ranger Regiment's Assessment and Selection Program.
The program is titled 'Hell and Back, Special Ops Ranger.' The episode premieres Sunday, July 8 at 9 p.m., EST, on the Discovery Channel. Check your local listing for more information.
This is an unprecedented glimpse of initial training that every enlisted Soldier must successfully complete before he is assigned to one of the four Ranger Battalions.
• Every volunteer Soldier must complete the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program 1, or RASP, for duty with the 75th Ranger Regiment.
• 114 Soldiers started Class 5-12; 91 Rangers graduated.
• RASP tests Soldiers physically and mentally from marksmanship and demolitions to Ranger First Responder and close-quarter combat drills.
• RASP is run by the Regimental Special Troops Battalion at Fort Benning, Ga.
The 75th Ranger Regiment is the Army's premier direct action raid force. It is capable of planning, executing and commanding and controlling large and complex joint special operations throughout the range of combat missions.
For example, these operations include special reconnaissance, direct action raids, offensive infantry operations, forcible entry operations, and partnering with host nation forces.
The Regiment is also trained, resourced and equipped to provide an agile, responsive infantry force that can respond to emergency contingency plans in uncertain and sensitive environments.
The 75th Ranger Regiment has been continuously deployed in support of overseas contingency operations since October 2001.
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