Three logistics units named best in the Army, 51 others receive top honors at CLEA ceremony

By G-4 Public AffairsJune 6, 2012

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1 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – General Lloyd J. Austin III (left), Army Vice Chief of Staff, presents an award to CW2 Terrence Devone, United Nations Command Security Battalion-Joint Security Area, Camp Bonifas, Kora. His unit won the top honor in the maintenance category during ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
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2 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – General Lloyd J. Austin III (left), Army Vice Chief of Staff, presents an award to CW2 Patrick Dougherty, 159th Combat Aviation Brigade, Fort Campbell, Kentucky. His unit won the top honor in the deployment category during the 2012 Combined Logisti... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
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4 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
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5 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Lieutenant General Raymond Mason (left), Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, and Brigadier General Gwen Bingham, Quartermaster School Commandant, congratulates a representative from the Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The un... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Washington, D.C. (June 6, 2012) -- Logistics units from Korea, Kentucky and North Carolina, were named the three best logistics programs in the Army, during last night's 2012 Combined Logistics Excellence Awards (CLEA) ceremony.

"We could not have accomplished all that we have in Iraq and Afghanistan were it not for the countless, remarkable contributions made by the men and women of the logistics community," said General Lloyd J. Austin III, Army Vice Chief of Staff.

He, along with Lieutenant General Raymond V. Mason, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, presented the awards to the winners. They had the highest scores among 51 other Maintenance, Deployment, and Supply units that were also honored at the CLEA ceremony. It was the first time in the eight-year-old awards ceremony that the "Best of the Best" were named. The competition was intense, as the number of applicants competing for CLEA Awards was up 10 percent this year.

The "Best of the Best" went to: United Nations Command Security Battalion -- Joint Security Area, Camp Bonifas, Korea, whose maintenance program facilitated the movement of personnel and equipment over 6,000 square kilometers of the Joint Security Area; 159th Combat Aviation Brigade, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, whose deployment to Afghanistan involved the complicated movement of more than 2,700 troops, 100 helicopters, and 250 containers carrying sensitive items; and Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, whose property management skills enabled it to have legendary customer service.

GEN Austin, who witnessed first-hand the work of logisticians at both the start and end of the Iraq War, told the 400 attendees that they should "feel incredibly proud" of what they accomplished. He credited them with helping at the start of the war, said that even more remarkable was their proven ability to sustain the effort for more than a decade, and that the most impressive accomplishment was taking the troops and equipment out of Iraq.

"To some it seemed impossible, however, you made it happen, he said. "Yours was a herculean task -- performed superbly by the entire team. In fact, due in large part to your efforts, we completed the transition out of Iraq ahead of schedule and without a major incident. That is your legacy."

LTG Mason said the CLEA winners are stationed in 21 states, two territories, and three countries. Many were involved in last year's historic logistics operations; several others were involved in sustaining the fight in Afghanistan; still others were involved in humanitarian missions.

"The real winners," LTG Mason said, "are all the boots on the ground around the world, who win by the work your units do every day to enhance Army readiness."

The 54 honorees are from Active Army, Reserve, and National Guard installations, and went through a rigorous program to be considered for the award. The competition begins when an Army Command nominates one or more of its units based on published guidelines and regulations. From there, evaluators from the U.S. Army Transportation, Ordnance, and Quartermaster Centers, augmented by Army National Guard and Reserve Soldiers, travel worldwide to conduct on-site evaluations of the units nominated by their Commands.

GEN Austin said: "I wish I could tell you the hard work is behind you. But the fact is the most challenging work still lies ahead of us." He said it will take some two years to repair, rebuild, and refurbish the war-torn equipment once it is redeployed from theater.

"Meanwhile we remain heavily engaged in operations in Afghanistan." he said. "Our Soldiers will require equipment and sustainment for the duration of the mission. The drawdown from Afghanistan has begun, and there is no doubt it will prove to be a much tougher and more difficult endeavor than the drawdown from Iraq."

He challenged the winners to "set the example, to share with others the practices that enabled your success. I want you to teach others what right is."

Following is a list of all the CLEA winners:

Maintenance Excellence Awards

Depot: Red River Army Depot, Texarkana, Texas

Employees outperformed expectations on every level -- from the initial focus of standing up many different programs to sustaining each program at the highest level possible. Many civilian Red River employees served alongside Soldiers at various sites in theater. The depot workforce's responsiveness, exceptional work ethic, and dedication to the many missions stand as a benchmark for other installations to emulate. "We build it as if our lives depend on it, theirs do" is not just the depot's motto, it is the employees way of life.

Active Army, Table of Organization and Equipment, Small: HHSC 24TH Military Intelligence Battalion, Wiesbaden, Germany

The organization had a very well organized maintenance management operation. Its dispatching procedures and QA/QC program were very organized. The unit's leadership was very much involved with command maintenance and it was evident during the judges' on-site evaluation.

Active Army, Table of Organization and Equipment, Medium: HSC 277TH Aviation Support Battalion, Ft Drum, NY

This organization recently returned from Afghanistan and did not waste time getting its maintenance posture back to pre-deployment status. The Soldiers in this unit were highly motivated and wanted to showcase their maintenance operations. The unit had an excellent driver's training program and the Master Driver was very knowledgeable with the driver's training requirements. It was obvious this unit worked diligently along with the support of the Division's COMET Team to provide the necessary support to get this unit fully mission ready. The unit had an outstanding safety program and the Soldiers were very safety conscious. The unit also had a very well organized hazmat program.

Active Army, Table of Organization and Equipment, Large: 532nd Military Intelligence Battalion, Camp Humphreys, Korea

The unit did precisely what they stated in their unit book. The entire organization demonstrated professionalism and enthusiasm and Soldiers from the lowest level were well-versed in their daily operations. They were familiar with their SOP and knew exactly what their responsibilities were in each area. Overall, the vast majority of Soldiers knew how to fill out forms and documents. They conducted scheduled PMCS and maintained the documents throughout the year for verification.

Active Army, Table of Distribution and Allowances, Medium: HHD 30th Signal Battalion, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii

This is the unit's first year competing and the unit did very well overall. The unit's dispatch procedures and documentation were well organized and in order. The TAMMS clerk was very knowledgeable and had all of the supporting documents available and organized. The SOP was very well written and the Soldiers were well-versed and understood their responsibilities. The Soldiers were very enthusiastic and eager to learn more.

Active Army, Table of Distribution and Allowances, Large: Army Field Support Battalion, North East Asia, Camp Carroll, Korea

As it had done so in last year's competition, this organization was once again very well versed in the maintenance operation. Its SOP was very well written and every portion of the SOP was followed. All members of the organization knew their responsibilities and carried them out with precision. This organization had the best Lean Six Sigma (LSS) program that the judges evaluated. They are constantly finding ways to improve their processes. Everyone participates in the LSS program. Every member takes pride in daily activities. This year, the organization identified ways to streamline manpower assets resulting in millions of dollars being saved while continuing to maintain a high operational readiness rate during high tempo missions

Active Army, Table of Organization and Equipment, Aviation: 1st Military Intelligence Battalion (Aerial Exploitation), Wiesbaden, Germany

This unit had a well organized Command Maintenance Program and it was evident during the judges on-site evaluation. The leadership was heavily involved with the maintenance program. Commanders along with their Soldiers were very knowledgeable in the PMCS procedures and performed PMCS on their NBC equipment without flaw. The Soldiers were very motivated and were very knowledgeable in their daily maintenance operations. Their maintenance management procedures were flawless and each Soldier was very knowledgeable with their duties and responsibilities.

Army Reserve, Table of Organization and Equipment, Small: 77th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

The unit has an extremely efficient maintenance program with an obvious team effort between Supply and Maintenance NCOs. The high level of motivation and pride is demonstrated throughout the unit's maintenance program. The safety program was one of the best the judges saw. The Commander's and First Sergeant's weapons were maintained and clean. The TMDE account was up to date and all on hand items required were enrolled. This unit has been identified for deployment in FY 2012.

Army Reserve, Table of Organization and Equipment, Medium: 597th Quartermaster Company, Caguas, Puerto Rico

The unit has a very well organized repair parts program and effective tool room procedures. The NBC program was efficiently managed as was the unit's arms room. This unit's mission requires the Soldiers support themselves for field level maintenance; but the lack of authorized SATS coupled with customer support issues challenged the Maintenance NCO and leadership in establishing an effective maintenance program. In spite of these challenges, the unit established effective maintenance practices and procedures. This unit showed it can operate under war time conditions with deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Army Reserve, Table of Organization and Equipment, Large: 323rd Military Intelligence Battalion, Ft. Meade, Maryland

This unit consists of a legacy style structure with four line units co-located with the Battalion headquarters. The total maintenance mission lies in the maintenance platoon of the HHD element. The driver's training program was being restructured and documentation collected to build training files. The TMDE program was well established. Personnel had a positive attitude and were energized towards continuous improvement of their program.

Army Reserve, Table of Distribution and Allowances, Small: Area Maintenance Support Activity 35, Elkhorn, Nebraska

This shop recently moved into a brand new facility and developed highly efficient methods for tracking tools and repair parts as well as HAZMAT. The high level organization and efficiency of the shop's personnel projected a positive attitude to support customer units. The supervisor had a proactive approach toward ensuring that all his HMER personnel were cross trained on the equipment they support.

Army Reserve, Table of Distribution and Allowances, Medium: Equipment Concentration Site #67, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin

This ECS was energized by the AAME competition and proud to show their programs and future plans to the evaluators. The shop has a policy of rotating its personnel through the different shops on a set cycle in order to build proficiency and cross train HMERs across the activity. The shop personnel had a strong team attitude that promoted a positive battle rhythm within the organization. They were focused on developing and improving efficiency in the areas of tool and parts management.

National Guard, Table of Organization and Equipment, Small: G Company 128th Brigade Support Battalion, Ford City, Pennsylvania

The unit scored the highest of all National Guard MTOE units evaluated. A strong supervised PMCS program resulted in the unit's readiness rate above 96 percent during the past year. The unit section cages were clean, organized, and labeled for easy inventory. All tools, sets kits, and outfits were extremely clean and organized for accountability. The maintenance and safety program was noteworthy

National Guard, Table of Organization and Equipment, Medium: 1244th Transportation Company, North Riverside, Illinois

The unit had a very good drivers training program with all required training documented. The command has a strong emphasis on maintenance with support from the senior enlisted and officers at all levels. The weapons and NBC equipment were clean and revealed a strong supervised PMCS program for all equipment. The maintenance section did an outstanding job closing the loop on all required paper work for SAMS-E.

National Guard, Table of Organization and Equipment, Large: 108th Sustainment Brigade, Chicago, Illinois

A strong supervised PMCS program resulted in the unit's readiness rate above 95 percent during the past year. The SAMS-E data was validated against the unit's equipment with no deficiencies. All Soldiers were proficient in their MOS and worked hard to improve policies and procedures in the unit maintenance program.

National Guard, Table of Distribution and Allowances, Small: Field Maintenance Shop #3, Cape Girardeau, Missouri

The shop had an outstanding maintenance SOP and Safety program. The shop performed repairs and services in a timely manner with minimal backlog. The shop did a good job with repair parts storage and accountability. The technicians were very proficient and knowledgeable on their shop roles and responsibilities.

National Guard, Table of Distribution and Allowances, Medium: Combined Support Maintenance Shop, Pineville, Louisiana

The shop scored the highest of all National Guard TDA units evaluated. The shop scored well in the maintenance and supply operations due to well trained technicians. The technicians were very proficient at their duties and responsibilities and knowledgeable on their shop roles and responsibilities. The facility was clean and designed for Two Levels of Maintenance as a Consolidated Maintenance Facility.

National Guard, Table of Distribution and Allowances, Large: Field Maintenance Shop -- California, Sacramento, California

This was the first year of participation in the AAME program for the California Field Maintenance Shops. SAMS-E data were validated with no deficiencies. The environmental program was noteworthy. The shop supervisors had a superior quality control system and it showed in the condition of the equipment.

National Guard, Table of Organization and Equipment, Aviation: B Company 1-137th Aviation Regiment, Columbus, Ohio

This was the company's first year to participate in the AAME program, and it performed at an extremely high level. The record keeping in the maintenance section was noteworthy, as was the safety and environmental program. The Soldiers were very proficient at their duties and responsibilities and knowledgeable on their roles.

All Others, Small Category: 6981st Civilian Support Group, Mannheim, Germany

The organization showed drastic improvements from previous evaluations. The Soldiers' hard work and dedication paid off for the supply section. Their 1000+ lines of repair parts were organized and placed in the proper location and had 100 percent accountability, compared to last year when the supply section needed attention. The supply section was organized, clean and the employees were proud to display their area. The vehicle maintenance section, although small, maintained services and unscheduled maintenance with no flaws. The HAZMAT area was exceptionally organized and a model for units to follow.

All Others, Medium Category: Installation Materiel Maintenance Activity -- Ft McCoy Wisconsin

The organization's maintenance management operation was very well organized. The driver's program improved significantly from previous visits. The driver's sustainment training was being conducted and annotated and driver's packets were well maintained. The safety program was the best throughout the Active Army. Tool room management and accountability was excellent. The Hazmat section had outstanding accountability and control of hazardous material.

All Others, Large Category: Maintenance Activity Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany

This organization had a very well organized driver's training program and all training was documented on the supporting documents. The supply division continued to improve in its supply operations. The Bench Stock area was very organized, neat, and controlled. The supply division continuously looked for ways to improve their operation and reduce costs. The organization had the best dispatch procedures throughout the on-site evaluation.

Deployment Excellence Awards

All Army Operational Deployment Large Unit: 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, Fort Riley, Kansas

The Squadron deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The Squadron's Unit Movement personnel conducted preparation, inspection, and containerization of equipment in accordance with Army standards, guidelines, and time tables. The Squadron achieved its mission's high-level of success due to the Soldiers' professionalism and attention to detail. All unit materiel and equipment were packed and or configured within a week with minimum deficiencies and without incident or injury to Troopers.

All Army Operational Deployment Small Unit: Alpha Company, 62nd Expeditionary Signal Battalion, Fort Hood, Texas

The company deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The company conducted a multi-modal deployment via rail and highway from Ft Hood through the Port of Beaumont to Afghanistan. Particularly noteworthy was the error-free preparation of the unit's deployment documentation (shipping documents, HAZMAT documentation, and Military Shipping Labels).

All Army Installation -- CONUS: Fort Riley, Kansas

Fort Riley competed against all installations within the Continental United States and won because of the excellent support it provided units deploying from and re-deploying to the installation. Fort Riley conducted deployment operations that moved more than 13,660 Soldiers, 150+ aircraft, 445 rail cars, 1,000 buses, and processed more than 5,700 commercial truckloads for deployment to theater. The installation deployment support operations supported multiple deployments to and redeployment from Iraq, Afghanistan, and the National training sites (NTC, JRTC) with no delays or missed movement. Team Riley's focus on deployment operations provided commanders with the highest level of confidence and allowed them to concentrate on their unit's mission preparation for theater operations. In addition to expending the flow of unit equipment through the Camp Funston Alert Holding Area and Deployment facilities, Fort Riley demonstrated its pre-eminence as a power projection platform by flawlessly planning and executing multiple deployments throughout the year.

All Army Installation -- OCONUS: US Army Garrison (USAG) Vicenza, Italy

USAG Vicenza competed against all installations Outside the Continental United States and won because of the excellent support it provided units deploying from and redeploying to the installation. USAG Vicenza is the Army's Power Projection Platform in Southern Europe and during the 2011 competition year successfully supported the deployment/redeployment of more than 4,750 Soldiers and 900 short-tons of equipment by air, land, and sea into and out of their Area of Operation (AOR). USAG Vicenza conducted force projection support operations that provided superb execution and management of the Installation Staging Area, Marshalling Area, Container Movement area, and Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Group (A/DACG) for numerous validation exercises, deployment exercises, airborne re-certifications and, redeployment of the 14th Transportation Battalion from Iraq. It also provided continued support of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team and the United States Army Africa Command units throughout Europe and Africa to ensure these units are prepared to deploy at a moment's notice.

Active Army Small Unit: Headquarters and Headquarters Troop (HHT), Regimental Support Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, Vilseck, Germany

The HHT planned and aggressively executed in parallel many events and tasks required to effectively and efficiently redeploy from Kandahar, Afghanistan, to Vilseck, Germany . The HHT's successful mission planning and execution led to the timely movement of 10 pieces of equipment and 100 personnel back to home station. Despite the complex deployment aspects, the Troop surged where and when necessary to successfully accomplish the Regiment's Mission Essential Task -- Redeploy the Force.

Active Army Supporting Unit: 39th Transportation Battalion (MCB), Kaiserslautern, Germany

The 39th MCB provided multi-functional, expeditionary logistical capabilities for airdrop/aerial delivery, transportation, movement control, and distribution in support of the European Command. The 39th MCB exceeded all standards while supporting deploying/redeploying/supporting units in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, as well as numerous exercises through the European Theater. The 39th MCB coordinated the movement of more than 17,000 pax and baggage by air and buses/vans; inspected 500+ pieces of rolling stock and containerized cargo moved by rail; and provided movement control support for in-transit visibility and RSOI to thousands of Soldiers . The accomplishments reflect the dedication and hard work of the Battalion's skilled and highly motivated professionals working together to accomplish the mission.

Army National Guard Large Unit: 73rd Troop Command, Columbus, Ohio

The Command deployed to participate in the national level exercise (Vigilant Guard) at Volk Field, Wisconsin. The movement and exercise was in preparation to undertake the Homeland Response Force (HRF) mission as the first HRF in the Nation. During a two-day period, they deployed 634 personnel via highway and air. The unit moved 154 pax via 68 vehicles in multiple convoys from seven locations in Ohio, and deployed the remaining personnel in nine chalks via air (in a one-day air movement). Their attention to detail and precise execution of preparing personnel chalk and cargo manifests correctly and meeting timelines for the air movement and requesting convoy clearances, designating convoy control personnel, arranging for convoy support, conducting orientation and safety briefings, and marking vehicles with appropriate convoy numbers led to a successful and safe movement.

Active Army Small Unit: 162nd Mobility Augmentation Company (MAC), Dallas, Oregon

The unit supported Operation Enduring Freedom and redeployed 105 personnel, two pallets of STRATAIR, and three forty-foot containers from Afghanistan to Oregon The unit's redeployment from three different Contingency Operating Bases required coordinated theater military air and long-haul support, as well as commercial air and sealift support to CONUS. The 162nd MAC met all timelines in a timely manner and exceeded requirements of the Deployment Excellence Award program.

Active Supporting Unit: Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center (CAJMTC), Edinburgh, Indiana

The CAJMTC provided transportation mobilization support for the 149th Maneuver Enhanced Brigade (MEB) Operation New Dawn Freedom mission. Mobilization required a movement of 2,748 personnel from 25 different UICs, 49 twenty-foot containers, and two STRAT Air Load movements. This mobilization support required coordination of all personnel, units, and equipment coming together from multiple states to build the MEB. In addition, 222 pieces of Unit Provided Training Equipment was shipped to Camp Atterbury for mobilization training and then returned back to 11 different locations in Kentucky. In addition to the 149th MEB, more than 14,000 military and civilian members and their equipment passed through the gates of Camp Atterbury, and 10,500 redeployed back to Camp Atterbury. The attitude, professionalism, dedication and motivation of the Camp Atterbury work force ensured all missions deployed in an effective and efficient manner.

Army Reserve Large Unit: 310th Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC), Inianapolis, Indiana

The unit deployed 254 personnel from Fort Bliss, Texas, to Joint Base Balad, Iraq in support of Operation New Dawn. Deployment standards for the ESC included not only traditional equipment preparation, hazardous/classified/sensitive cargo, unit/cargo movement, and Soldier readiness tasks, but also included significantly expanded deployment planning requirements and expanded CPX-S/CTE training validation requirements. The ESC deployed with no true equipment shortages and met or exceeded the deployment standards of the DEA program.

Army Reserve Small Unit: Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment (HHD), 718th Transportation Battalion, Columbus, Ohio

The unit deployed from Columbus, Ohio, to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, to Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The unit met or exceeded all tasks and standards in the deployment process to mobilize and deploy 52 personnel and unit equipment. The unit trained Unit Movement Officers and prepared all Military Shipping Labels and Radio-Frequency Identification tags in accordance with unit movement SOP and all applicable Army regulations. The battalion's exemplary pre-deployment performance met or exceeded the Deployment Excellence Award program requirements.

Army Reserve Supporting Unit: 1172nd Transportation Detachment (MCT), Bamberg, Germany

The unit deployed from Bamberg, Germany, to Senegal, Africa, in support of Exercise Flintlock II. The unit successfully deployed 348 personnel and 110 short tons of equipment and supplies that included 14 tons of non-NATO ammunition, 50 463L pallets, 13 pieces of tactical rolling stock, and six sensitive item containers, by air and sea. The unit conducted its mission support in two separate phases over a three month period, with no injuries, accidents, property losses, or mission failures. The 1172nd MCT, coupled with support from partner nations, show-cased the command's ability for building partnership capacity in an outstanding and professional manner.

Supply Excellence Awards

Active Army, Level I, Unit Supply, Modified Table of Organization and Equipment: F Company 6-52nd Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Kunsan Air Base, Korea

Foxtrot Company is the most diverse and complex unit in the 6th Battalion 52nd Air Defense Artillery. The unit is the foundation that the Battalion's readiness is built upon, from Shop Office, to Supply Support Activity, and everywhere in-between. The supply section is no exception to the rule. Sergeant Emily Burke and her small team help the unit Commander, Captain Leonard Dumo, manage property worth in excess of $64 million. In addition, there are two different property books to maintain at the unit level, the Basic Maintenance Property and the Operation Readiness Float (ORF). The ORF is a Brigade asset that is maintained at the company to support all the PATRIOT weapon systems within the Brigade. Foxtrot Company maintains a steady 97 percent Operational Readiness rate for all firing PATRIOT Batteries. This is critical in the strategic Air Defense of South Korea.

Active Army, Level I, Unit Supply, Table of Distribution and Allowances: Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1916th Support Battalion, Fort Irwin, California

The Headquarters and Headquarters Company is very uniquely configured, it is one command team managing 13 separate units, which are all supported by one logistical supply hub from the Headquarters and Headquarters Company. The 13 subordinate units provide the administrative, medical, and logistical support for Fort Irwin units while simultaneously providing support for the National Training Center's Rotational Brigades. The levels of support consist of recreating a deployed environment, and providing logistical sustainment and distribution throughout 14 days of arduous training. Staff Sergeant Ross and her staff have effectively managed the entire Commanders' property without government loss while continuously maintaining an exceptionally well organized and managed supply room.

Active Army, Level II, Property Book Operations, Modified Table of Organization and Equipment: 4th Military Information Support Group Airborne, Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Chief Warrant Officer Three Wylie's unique situation stems from serving as the only Property Book Officer for a Military Information Support Operation Command (MISOC) in the Army. MISOC is comprised of five regional battalions, one tactical battalion, and one dissemination battalion. MISOC is a Combat Service Command that serves under the United States Special Operations Command. It is responsible for organizing, equipping, and collectively training assigned and attached forces to rapidly deploy anywhere in the world and conduct military information support operations in support of Combatant Commanders. Chief Warrant Officer Three Wylie and his team have flawlessly mastered the art of worldwide Property Accountability through support of this large and diverse mission.

Active Army, Level III, Parent Operations (S4), Modified Table of Organization and Equipment: Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 49th Transportation Battalion, Fort Hood, Texas

The professionalism, leadership, competency and team work of the 49th Transportation Battalion (Movement Control), are demonstrated daily. These attributes allow for uninterrupted service to customers, and subordinate units. The unit dedicated June 2010 to a Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP). The effort was labeled Operation "Get Right." The battalion focused on hand-receipts, sub hand-receipts, component inventories, shortages, excess turn-ins, and container management. Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Lillard Evans, the unit turned-in over 150 pallets of excess property, valued in excess of $4 million; inventoried over 226 containers and turned-in 70 unusable containers; ordered $1.5 million in component shortages and $135,000 in critical stock funded MTOE shortages. 49th Transportation Battalion (Movement Control) is truly special because of the team of teams organized to manage, account for and be good stewards of more than $55 million in Army resources.

Active Army, Level IV, Supply Support Activity Modified Table of Organization and Equipment: Echo Company, 1st Battalion, 43rd Air Defense Artillery, Fort Bliss, Texas

Echo Company, 1st Battalion, 43rd Air Defense Artillery Supply Support Activity(SSA) is directly responsible for conducting Multi-Class Supply Management, providing technical guidance and customer assistance to 29 customers. The SSA is the center piece of the brigade and is responsible and accountable for 2,647 lines of Authorized Stockage Lists (ASL) valued at $29 million. Chief Warrant Officer Two Allen Reid and his team competed at 35 percent strength and were able to conduct their daily operations to the highest of standards. They take pride in supporting the Operational Readiness of, 1st Battalion, 43rd Air Defense Artillery ensuring they are ready to fight any time, and anywhere.

Active Army, Level IV, Supply Support Table of Distribution and Allowances: 403rd Army Field Service Battalion-North East Asia, Camp Carroll, Korea

Army Field Service Battalion-North East Asia, Supply Division's mission is to provide warehouse management and inventory management for Army Prepositioned Stocks in Korea, which includes receiving, storage, Care Of Supplies In Storage (COSIS), Accountability, and issue upon order. Mr. Higdon and his staff provide strategic logistical support to the Soldiers and Global Humanitarian Support as part of disaster relief efforts. The Army Field Service Battalion consistently exceeds all organizational bench marks for Fiscal Year 2012 with a monthly inventory accuracy rate above 99 percent and the dollar value for Inventory Adjustments Reports (IAR) averaging $40,000 quarterly, far below regulatory guidance for Supply Performance Target Objective of 1.5 percent of the Stock Record Account Total Dollar Value per quarter, which amounts to $26.4 million. Based on these consistent key performance indicators Army Field Service Battalion Supply Division is a world class supply operation.

Army National Guard, Level I, Unit Supply, Modified Table of Organization and Equipment: Headquarters Detachment 110th Multi-functional Medical Battalion, Lincoln, Nebraska

The 110th MMB has been a continuous example of excellence whether it's training, safety or more notably logistics. This is reflected in several noteworthy actions the unit supply section has attained, including: 100 percent accountability of all durable items by utilizing the support indicator code process in PBUSE; 100 percent accountability of all components using PBUSE generated checklists; and a highly organized and functional Command Supply Disciple Program. Staff Sergeant Owen Kramer developed a systematic operation so anyone can step into the supply operation and have continued success. Being a part of other award winning supply excellence award units in Nebraska provided Staff Sergeant Kramer with the unique experience of working at different levels and bringing in new innovative ideas to supply operations.

Army National Guard, Level I, Unit Supply, Table of Distribution and Allowances: Headquarters 209th Regional Training Institute, Ashland, Nebraska

The S4 section of the 209th RTI stands ready to embrace any and all challenges that arise while providing the best logistical support and service to the customer, the Soldier. This section has endured and yet excelled in the face of dramatic personnel turn over. In the last two years, the S4 NCOIC has changed three times, along with three changes in E5, E6, and E7 positions. The 209th is constantly seeking improvement and excellence with new and innovative methods of servicing more than 7,000 students and staff each year. The 209th legacy of supply excellence awards rests upon the solid foundation set up by the State of Nebraska standardized command supply discipline program. With the quality, professionalism, pride and foundation of 209th RTI supply staff, its potential is limitless.

Army National Guard, Level II, Property Book Operations, Modified Table of Organization and Equipment: 286th Combat Support Sustainment Battalion, Bangor, Maine

This Battalion understands the importance of property accountability and how it affects operational readiness for both its State and Federal missions. Chief Warrant Officer Two Scott LaCroix and the property book personnel in this unit are subject matter experts in regulatory requirements and manage the best Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) in the State of Maine. Their meticulous Unit Status Reporting (USR) files contained a wealth of knowledge commanders need to address equipment concerns. Particularly noteworthy are its Army Records Information Management System files and supporting documents. This unit maintains 100 percent accountability of all its property and clearly goes the extra mile in every aspect of its operation.

Army National Guard, Level II, Property Book Operations, Table of Distribution and Allowances: Guam J4 Element, Barrigada, Guam

The Guam Army National Guam J4 Property Book Office provides support to eight units with 50 percent of the supply personnel assigned a MOS other than 92Y. The challenge of getting them to understand and apply the knowledge impressed onto them is fundamental. Knowing the challenges they face, how do they get the majority of their logistics community to maintain the standards set by the regulations? Quite simply by mentoring, the Property Book Officer and Senior Logistics Non-Commissioned Officer provide guidance and hands on training to show their customers what "right looks like". In addition to the hands on training, yearly, Guam J4 hosts a "Return to Basics" seminar which emphasizes the fundamentals of logistics. Within 10 months, their excess property went from $2.4 million to zero.

Army National Guard, Level III, Parent Operations, Modified Table of Organization and Equipment: Headquarters 1st Battalion 114th Infantry, Woodbury, New Jersey

This organization lives up to the Battalion's motto, "In Omnia Paratus", Latin for "In All Things Prepared". In the past decade this motto has been tested and proven. The 1-114th Infantry deployed twice to the Middle East and countless times within the State and Nation. The Soldiers of 1-114th Infantry have conducted missions varying from full combat operations to peacekeeping and humanitarian aid operations. No matter what the mission or location, this battalion has always been prepared to provide superior logistical support. This is evident in the positive feedback and results for each of the companies during the recent Command Supply Discipline Program and Command Logistic Review Team inspections. The 1-114th Infantry was also recognized and received the 50th Infantry Brigade Combat Team Outstanding Logistics Award for the past two years.

Army National Guard, Level III, Parent Operations (S4), Table of Distribution and Allowances: Headquarters 84th Troop Command, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"That's the way we've always done it" is a phrase the 84th Troop Command frowns upon. Over the past year the supply sergeants in 84th Troop Command worked very hard to become proficient by focusing on the logistics regulations. To aid in the knowledge of the supply personnel the monitor for the Command Supply Discipline Program extracted paragraphs related to the evaluated areas and distributed them to the supply sergeants. When evaluations are conducted this information is utilized to ensure Soldiers understand how and why the task is performed. The Troop Command works hard to develop plans and procedures that increase the productivity and efficiency of their supply operations. Recently they developed a SharePoint on the Minnesota Intranet to disseminate information to the commands.

Army National Guard, Level IV, Supply Support Activity Table of Distribution and Allowances: United States Property and Fiscal Office New Jersey, Lawrenceville, New Jersey

United States Property and Fiscal Office New Jersey bases its operation on the Army values and multiple successful attributes. The vision is to ensure the needs of all Soldiers, civilians, contractors, and vendors are 100 percent met at all times, with no excuses. It also prides itself on its commitment to being an Army values-based organization. In the way of duty, Sergeant Bentacur, and his teammates endeavor to fulfill every customer's requests with pinpoint accuracy. They display their unwavering commitment to respect by treating every customer with dignity and value regardless of rank. One value is held in the highest esteem, it cannot be substituted in the logistics business -- the unit will not tolerate any integrity policy violation. To be a successful member of the team one must have loyalty to the customers and the mission. They not only embody the Army values they also credit their success to teamwork, training, communication and professionalism.

Army Reserve, Level I, Unit Supply Table of Distribution and Allowances: 1-322nd (Logistics Support) Regiment Battalion, Joint Base McGuire-Dix Lakehurst, New Jersey

The 1/322nd Logistics Support Battalion is the only enhanced mobilization training center in the Army which serves multi-component units deploying to theater. This unit exceptionally maintained over $16.5 million in supplies and property book equipment while supporting thousands of active and reserve component units from all branches of the Armed Forces. Frequent logistical training is implemented, which allows the Battalion to effectively train Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard personnel on hand receipts and Army accountability procedures. In the past year, 1/322nd conducted more than 120 vehicle issues/turn-ins and coordinated hundreds of vehicles and weapons movement through AMC and DOL without loss of accountability.

Army Reserve, Level II, Property Book Operations, Modified Table of Organization and Equipment: 448th Engineer Battalion, Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico

The 448th Engineer Battalion revamped its supply program by rapidly and accurately assessing accountability procedures and developing a strong accountability program. Its dual mission in war and peacetime coupled with budget constraints presented many challenges, however it was able to foster supply discipline at all levels through the integration of focused inventories, compliance inspections, improved asset visibility, and the timely execution of lateral transfers and turn-ins. 85 lateral transfers were completed reducing the delinquency rate in the battalion to 0 percent and $3.1 million of excess equipment was redistributed. Using the Army Campaign on Property Accountability as the model this organization reestablished a culture of command supply discipline at every level to ensure they remain good stewards of equipment and supplies.

Army Reserve, Level III, Parent Operations (S4), Modified Table of Organization and Equipment: 211th Regional Support Group, Corpus Christi, Texas

The 211th RSG excels in supply discipline and readiness because it has a unique command climate that fosters professionalism, creativity and a spirit of cooperation. The 211th RSG embraces three principles -- Perrin, Stafford and Petersen -- which allows the organization to focus on tactical and technical proficiency, be value added, and have fun while recognizing that our Soldiers are an investment. These principles employed by the organization resulted in 100 percent signed primary hand receipts with a value of $100 million and led to the re-accountability, redistribution, or turn in of nearly $4.3 million of government property.

Army Reserve Level IV, Supply Support Activity Modified Table of Organization and Equipment: 889th Quartermaster Company, Ogden, Utah

The 889th finds itself at a great advantage to its competitors due to its location. The Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS) Retrograde Site is co-located with the unit, which greatly enhances operations and efficiency. The unit has access to the Defense Reutilization Marketing Office (DRMO), Area Maintenance Support Activity (AMSA), and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Disposition Services within a 15 miles radius. The 889th Quartermaster Company has streamlined procedures and processes in a fashion that allows it to take advantage of its great location. Excess property sits less than a week, before onward movement. This is an almost impossible task to accomplish from any other location. Using the Army Campaign on property accountability as the model, it maintained a culture of command supply discipline at every level to ensure it remains good stewards of limited equipment and supplies.

Related Links:

STAND-TO!: The 2010 Army Combined Logistics Excellence Awards