Name: Marshall R. McBride, general engineer, Information and Computational Engineering, Future Warfare Center, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala.
Age: 42
Hometown: Birmingham, Ala.
Years of federal service: 22 years, all at Redstone Arsenal at various commands; has been with SMDC for 10 years
Education: Bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering from Auburn University in 1993; master's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Alabama-Huntsville in 2008
Marital status: Married
Children: Two girls
Activities/hobbies: Running, swimming, hiking, fishing, soccer
Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite TV show: Monty Python's Flying Circus
Favorite band: Tie -- New Order and REM
Favorite thing about working for the Army: I get to work on ideas and technologies that help to secure systems for the Soldiers and are then applied to the Internet as a whole
What made you want to work for the Army: I grew up wanting to be a naval aviator (Yes, I saw "Top Gun."). My poor eyesight killed that dream, so I went straight to college out of high school. During my sophomore year, I was pondering which service I might join when I was offered a co-op position in the Structures Directorate at what was then MICOM. I started in August 1990 and made it my career.
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