Memorial Day 2012 Holiday Safety Message

By Maj. Gen. Michael S. Linnington, JFHQ-NCR/MDW Commanding GeneralMay 23, 2012

Memorial Day 2012 Holiday Safety Message
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Memorial Day 2012 Holiday Safety Message
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Memorial Day 2012 Holiday Safety Message from the Commanding General of the Joint Force Headquarters - National Capital Region and the U.S. Army Military District of Washington

1. On this Memorial Day weekend, we honor our Veterans who gave their lives to protect the liberties afforded all Americans. They did not celebrate war, but they stepped forward and answered when America called. Generations of brave Americans have shouldered the burden of defending freedom, so we might continue living in a free and democratic society. I ask you to take a moment to remember them and all those that served to protect our Nation, our Citizens, and our way of life.

2. Commanders, directors and supervisors must work diligently to protect our Service members, civilians, and Families that continue to serve. Please prepare your subordinates for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday by conducting safety briefings that include discussions about:

• Highway safety: seat belt use, fatigue avoidance, and the consequences of drinking alcohol and driving. Discuss travel planning to include the requirement for adequate rest stops and avoiding late night driving. Highlight the importance of designated-drivers. Many accidents are caused by distracted drivers using cell phones while driving. Always use a hands free device.

• Before leaving on vacation, have your vehicle checked to make sure it's safe.

• Emphasize use of battle buddies when attending parties and other social events - while making a special effort to ensure new unit members receive proper sponsorship from our best Soldiers.

• Warm weather brings on new seasonal hazards: sunburn, swimming in unmarked areas, and mixing alcohol and swimming. Operate charcoal grills only outdoors. Never operate a motorized watercraft without the proper training, and right equipment on board.

3. Finally, I remind all Soldiers, the use of TRiPS on-line POV risk assessment tool is mandatory for all personnel on leave, pass, or TDY. I also encourage our civilian employees to use it. The TRiPS POV risk assessment tool may be found at

4. Please enjoy this holiday weekend in remembrance of all American military personnel who have died for our country in all of our wars and conflicts.

Army Safe is Army Strong!

Michael S. Linnington

MG, US Army


Related Documents:

Memorial Day 2012 Holiday Safety Message [PDF]

Related Links:

Joint Force Headquarters - National Capital Region and the U.S. Army Military District of Washington

U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center

Travel Risk Planning System (TRiPS)