On the job at Tobyhanna

By Ms. Jacqueline Boucher (AMC)March 20, 2008

On the job at Tobyhanna
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

TOBYHANNA ARMY DEPOT, Pa. - Bill Germek, uses a computer to perform operational tests on an AN/APX-118. Germek is an electronics mechanic.

As a member of the Transponder Branch, Germek and 32 employees overhaul, repair, modify, test and inspect the AN/APX-72, AN/APX-100, AN/APX-118, and AN/APX-119 Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) system, associated equipment and sub-assemblies for the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and the Foreign Military Sales program.

Transponder Branch personnel help reduce the possibility of friendly-fire incidents through the overhaul of IFF systems. IFF provides automatic identification of friendly aircraft and other systems. It is installed in a variety of aircraft, ships and amphibious vehicles. The system receives interrogation signals, decodes interrogation modes and transmits responses. The branch is part of the Command, Control and Computer (C3)/Avionics Directorate.

Tobyhanna Army Depot is the Defense Department's largest center for the repair, overhaul and fabrication of a wide variety of electronics systems and components, from tactical field radios to ground terminals for the defense satellite communications network. Tobyhanna's missions support all branches of the Armed Forces.

About 5,500 personnel are employed at Tobyhanna, which is located in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania.

Tobyhanna Army Depot is part of the C-E LCMC. Headquartered at Fort Monmouth, N.J., C-E LCMC's mission is to research, develop, acquire, field and sustain communications, command, control computer, intelligence, electronic warfare and sensors capabilities for the Armed Forces.