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Honor "Celebrate Diversity Month" with Army Strong Stories

By Mr Jerrod Resweber (USAAC)April 26, 2012 Home Page
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT KNOX, Ky. (April 26, 2012) -- Throughout the month of April, Army Strong Stories, the U.S. Army's premier Soldier blog and storytelling community, has been taking part in Celebrate Diversity Month. Celebrate Diversity Month is a time to recognize, celebrate and appreciate all the differences that make up our nation. Soldiers embody the nation's diversity through a wide range of cultures, backgrounds and life experiences. The Army proudly embraces these differences and simultaneously celebrates the similarities that unite us as Soldiers and Americans.

On, a community of Soldiers and supporters share and discuss their differences, similarities and how the Army has shaped the way they view diversity. Maj. Roman Ortega, Jr. writes about the pride he feels to represent the United States and his Mexican culture in his blog post, "Representation of the United States." In her blog post, "The World through the Eyes of an Army BRAT," Crystal Guerrero shares how growing up in a military family made her accepting and loving of all cultures.

The Army encourages everyone to notice and appreciate diversity in their everyday lives and communities. Contribute to the diversity dialogue on Army Strong Stories by sharing a written or video story about what diversity means to you.

Related Links:

Army Strong Stories

"The World through the Eyes of an Army BRAT!" Blog Post

Army Strong Stories: Tell Your Story