Collective Training Directorate changes its name

By Combined Arms Center Public Affairs OfficeApril 13, 2012

FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan. -- The Collective Training Directorate (CTD) is changing its name to reflect its broader responsibilities.

The organization's new name is the Training Management Directorate (TMD).

"Changing our name reflects TMD's additional responsibilities as the Army moves toward 21st Century training," said Col. Michael Dvoracek, director of TMD. In recent years, Army regulations and local directives have added missions to TMD.

TMD's primary missions are: Manage training and education development, enable training management and product delivery, and develop training and education concepts.

TMD is leading the transformation of training development to include the revision of training development policy and serves as the functional proponent for the Army's automated Training Development Capability (TDC).

It also leads the revision and publication of Army Doctrinal Publication and Army Doctrinal Reference Publication 7-0, the Army Learning Concept for Training and Education, and manages and delivers unit training tools such as the Army Training Network (ATN), Combined Arms Training Strategies (CATS), Army Standardized Mission Essential Task Lists and the Digital Training Management System (DTMS).

The ATN is a one-stop shop for training tools and resources. Its web site is:

TMD is part of the Combined Arms Center -- Training, which is responsible for training support and training development throughout the Army. Its web site is:

Related Links:

Army Training Network (ATN)