April focuses on alcohol, sexual assault awareness

By Stephanie Armel, Fort Sill ASAPMarch 29, 2012

FORT SILL, Okla. -- The Fort Sill Army Substance Abuse Program and the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Programs are partnering together for National Alcohol and Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April.

The month is intended to educate people and communities through prevention and intervention training about the consequences of alcohol-related incidents to include the relationship to sexual assaults.

Next month, wooden-teal and red ribbons, the national colors for sexual assault and alcohol awareness respectively, will be placed at the post gates to serve as visual reminders of the relationship one has to the other. The small red flags surrounding the ribbons symbolize the victims who have been impacted by alcohol-related incidents and sexual assault.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, "About one-half of all cases of sexual assault and rape involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, the victim or both." For 2010, 68 percent of the sexual assault victims reported drug facilitated assaults which included the use of alcohol. To date, alcohol is still considered the No. 1 date rape drug of choice.

The impact of these crimes serves as a reminder that the crimes not only affect the person, but ripples out to include family, friends, co-workers and the overall Army mission.

ASAP and SHARP take the center stage this month with the ambition to help all of Fort Sill personnel champion the culture of being a responsible battle buddy, becoming active bystanders and making good choices.

If you have been a victim of sexual assault, know your options, call 574-0871.

For those concerned about their own difficulties with alcohol or other drugs or are concerned about others, the Fort Sill clinical ASAP offers screening and treatment services. Military OneSource also offers confidential help at www.militaryonesource.com or call 800-342-9647.

The Fort Sill Army Substance Abuse Program can be reached at 442-4205.