Guard Team Responds to Toxic Ricin in Vegas

By Staff Sgt. Jim GreenhillFebruary 29, 2008

Civil Support Team Samples Substance
Two members of the 92nd Civil Support Team take a sample of a simulated hazardous substance in a Sparks, Nev., shopping mall during training on Nov. 25, 2005. The Nevada National Guard's civil support team was called to assist Las Vegas Metro Police ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

ARLINGTON, Va. (Army News Service, Feb. 29, 2008) Aca,!" A National Guard Civil Support Team (CST) was on scene within an hour Thursday evening after Las Vegas authorities sought help with a suspicious substance that later turned out to be deadly ricin.

The incident happened at an Extended Stay America hotel on Valley View Boulevard in west Las Vegas, said Capt. April Conway, the Nevada National GuardAca,!a,,cs public affairs officer.

The Nevada National GuardAca,!a,,cs 92nd CST provided support with identifying the suspicious substance and assisting with decontamination, Conway said.

Seven people were taken to hospital as a precaution, CNN reported. The network said that a man brought a bag with a small container to the hotel managerAca,!a,,cs office sometime before 3 p.m. on Feb. 28. He said he found it while retrieving items from a hotel room, CNN reported.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department asked for support from the Nevada National GuardAca,!a,,cs 92nd CST about 5 p.m. on Feb. 28, Conway said.

Within 30 minutes, a 19-member team and half a dozen vehicles from the 92nd CST were out the door, and they were on scene in less than 60 minutes from the initial request, Conway said.

The vehicles provide communications, laboratory and other on-scene support for the team.

Aca,!A"They worked in conjunction with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and Clark County fire and hazardous materials teams to collect samples and analyze samples on-site,Aca,!A? Conway said.

Aca,!A"Initial tests came back indicating that the substance that they were testing was ricin,Aca,!A? Conway said. Aca,!A"More samples were sent to the Nevada public health laboratory for additional testing.Aca,!A?

Because CST members regularly train side-by-side with civilian responders, they already know each other and donAca,!a,,ct have to exchange business cards during a crisis, Conway said.

Aca,!A"The role of the Nevada National Guard in this incident was very significant,Aca,!A? Conway said. Aca,!A"We work very well with Las Vegas Metro police and very well with other Clark County first responders. They have a very good relationship, and itAca,!a,,cs very easy for our folks to go in there and be of use.Aca,!A?

The Nevada National GuardAca,!a,,cs CST is one of 52 certified units nationwide mandated by Congress to support local and state authorities at domestic incidents by identifying agents and substances, assessing current and projected consequences and advising on response measures, Conway stated.

CSTs can respond rapidly, assist local first-responders in determining the nature of an attack and provide medical and technical advice. They provide initial advice on what agents may be present and assist first responders in the detection assessment process.

They are the first military responder on the ground.

Aca,!A"Having an extra set of eyes, an extra set of hands, an extra set of knowledgeable people who can test items on site Aca,!" they can test air, they can test water, they can test powder substances Aca,!" and help first responders right off the bat know, Aca,!EoeHey this might be a more dangerous situation than you initially thought,Aca,!a,,c thatAca,!a,,cs really the asset that the CST brings to the table,Aca,!A? Conway said.

The 95th CST of California and that stateAca,!a,,cs chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high explosive response force package also stood by in case additional assistance was needed, Conway and National Guard Bureau officials said.

( Staff Sgt. Jim Greenhill writes for the National Guard Bureau. Sgt. 1st Class Bryan Rotherham contributed to this report.)