Efficient Basing Grafenwoehr (EBG) is a USAREUR initiative to consolidate command and control headquarters and six battalion-sized elements in support of Army and USAREUR transformation. The goal of the EBG initiative is to maximize readiness, operational control, force protection, and quality of life by capitalizing on efficiencies derived from consolidation on a single installation.
EBG involves the relocation of units from multiple USAREUR installations to a consolidated complex located at East Camp Grafenwoehr. This initiative combines new construction and renovations of facilities, such as motor pools, operational facilities, barracks, family housing, and community support amenities.
More than 80 projects valued at close to $1 billion in today's dollar make EBG one of the largest military construction programs in Europe. And when it's all complete in 2012, it is slated to be the Army's premiere facility outside the United States.
Currently, Grafenwoehr is home to the Army's largest PX/commissary shopping complex in Europe, the most modern health and dental clinic in Europe, as well as brand new company and battalion operations facilities, motor pools, and several new barracks. Upcoming facilities expected in 2008 include a new elementary school, middle school, child development center, school-age services building, and even more barracks and operations facilities. Providing these facilities for the Soldier and their families is critical to reinforcing readiness and retention.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans and manages almost $100 million of projects on Grafenwoehr every year and believes that the quality of these facilities should match the sacrifice today's warfighters are making for the nation.
When complete, Grafenwoehr's unique gated community called Netzaberg will provide 835 build-to-lease family housing units with an integrated village center, including an elementary and middle school, chapel, child development center, youth services center, shoppette, and sports fields.
If you totaled the concrete that has been poured at Grafenwoehr over the last five years, you could fill up a football field with solid concrete 145 feet high.
If you totaled the reinforced steel that has gone into Grafenwoehr during the last five years, you could easily build two Eiffel Towers.
If you totaled the sewer lines put into Grafenwoehr during the last five years you could have a single string of sewer pipe stretching from the Capital Beltway to the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
Grafenwoehr certainly has an interesting place in this world. It's no longer on the edge of an enemy, as it was for 40 years. But its importance only grows stronger, with allied forces coming from around the world to conduct high-tech training and foreign military planners coming to see how this installation has been turned from an overlooked facility into a highly-developed, livable community.
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