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Army Leadership: Hazing not compatible with Army Values

By United States Army Chief of StaffJanuary 13, 2012

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

You should be aware of recent allegations of hazing within the ranks of

our Armed Forces, and we want to take this opportunity to clearly

address these troubling reports. We echo the emphasis that Secretary of

Defense Panetta and Chairman Dempsey have placed on this matter. Every

Army professional has a personal obligation to prevent hazing and ensure

that we treat all of our comrades in arms with dignity and respect.

Hazing is not compatible with Army Values. The very foundation of what

we do depends on trust, and trust depends on the treatment of all

Soldiers with dignity and respect by fellow Soldiers and leaders.

Without this, our profession is placed in jeopardy, our readiness

suffers and our mission success is at risk.

Hazing, in any form, has no place in our Army and will not be tolerated.

This applies at all levels to all Active, Guard and Reserve Soldiers,

Civilians and contractors. This is not new.Hazing has been explicitly

prohibited by Army Regulation 600-20 and the Uniform Code of Military

Justice for many years. Individuals who participate in, allow or condone

hazing may be subject to disciplinary action that may include

nonjudicial punishment or court-martial.

We recognize that leaders must enforce standards and exercise strong

leadership and that this may include organizing team-building

activities. This does not, however, allow for any activity that crosses

the line and results in an abuse of power and deliberate humiliation.

Effective leaders must never participate in, allow or condone hazing. We

expect every member of the Army, military and civilian, to vigilantly

guard against any form of hazing and to report any incident of hazing to

the chain of command.

As stated by Secretary Panetta, this has a direct impact on force

readiness. At this point in our Nation's history, the stakes are simply

too high for us to fail. Our professional values are one of the

essential components that make us who we are -- the best Army in the

world and the Strength of the Nation. Army Strong!

//Original Signed//

Raymond F. Chandler III

Sergeant Major of the Army

//Original Signed//

Raymond T. Odierno

General, United States Army Chief of Staff

//Original Signed//

John M. McHugh

Secretary of the Army

Related Links:

'Hazing' tri-signed letter