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Command senior warrant officer, CWO5 Cornwall retiring Dec. 13

By 7th Signal Public AffairsDecember 7, 2011

CW5 Cornwall has been assigned to the 7th Signal Command, since December 2008 as the Command Senior Warrant Officer working Network Enterprise Support Team functions, standardization and configuration management across the Operating and Generating Force in the Continental United States.

He deployed to Afghanistan on a hand-picked tasking as the senior network integrator responsible for optimizing the transport network for the CJOA-A. He is a graduate of the Warrant Officer Staff Course, Warrant Officer Advance Course and Warrant Officer Basic Course in addition to numerous technical courses.

CW5 Leslie E. Cornwall was born in the Caribbean Island of Trinidad. He immigrated to the United States Virgin Island of St. Croix with his family then enlisted in the Army in 1977.

He progressed to Sergeant First Class then transitioned to the warrant officer corps in September 1992. Cornwall graduated as the Distinguished Honor Graduate from Warrant Officer Basic Course in September 1992.

Some of his assignments include: 3d Signal Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas; 2d Infantry Division, Republic of Korea; Training with Industry (TWI) with General Dynamics in Taunton, MA; Directorate of Combat Development (DCD) at the US Army Signal Center, Fort Gordon, Ga.

Cornwall was also assigned as the Chief Integrator/Senior Technical Advisor to the Director Training and Doctrine Command Integration Office/Capabilities Development and Integration Directorate, US Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon, from July 2005 to December 2008.

He has earned numerous awards and decorations. He is a graduate of Paine College with BA Degree in Gen Bus. He is an active member of the following professional organizations; Association of US Army, Warrant Officer Association, Signal Corps Regimental Association -- Lifetime Member and Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association -- Lifetime Member.

Cornwall has been recognized with the following; AFCEA Leadership Award -- Runner up 2007, SCRA Silver Order of Mercury September 2006, SCRA Albert J. Meyer Award June 2005, SCRA Bronze Order of Mercury June 1995, and AFCEA President's Award December 2004.