Uruzgan province interim Director of Education visits Gizab

By Spc. Ashley BowmOctober 28, 2011

URUZGAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan- The Uruzgan province interim Director of Education, Tajwar Kakar, visited Gizab to discuss educational initiatives with key leaders and shura members, Oct. 24.

Kakar was well received by the shura members, who were very grateful to have a provincial leadership representative in the area.

"Despite being a woman, I have received strong support from the people regarding education in Uruzgan," Kakar said. "This is our chance to work for them."

During the shura, elders voiced concerns regarding previous leadership making promises but not following through for various reasons. They also told Kakar about plans to build another school so that boys and girls who lived too far away from the district center could have the opportunity for an education.

Kakar listened to their concerns and discussed ways to make the situation in Gizab better for educators and students. She told shura members that plans are already being made to further push education in the Uruzgan province.

"If we work hard for education, everything will be improved," Kakar said.

Before her arrival in Gizab, Kakar arranged to have school supplies from the Ministry of Education distributed to schools throughout the area.

"I think it is important for the local citizens to realize their true potential in the world," Kakar said. "We have the skills to make things better for ourselves, and education is the key."

Kakar will continue traveling throughout the Uruzgan province in the next two weeks to further discuss educational initiatives with district level leadership and prominent village elders.