Miss USA shows support for Steel Dragons

By 2nd Lt. Christopher Molaro, 2nd Bn., 82nd FA Regt. UPAR, 3rd AAB, 1st Cav. Div.June 7, 2011

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq " Who better to support U.S. troops than Miss USA herself? The two make a perfect marriage. Miss USA 2010, Rima Fakih, of Dearborn, Mich., whole-heartedly supports the American troops and relishes the freedom they serve to protect. Her family moved from Sifra, Lebanon in 1993 to escape the turbulence of the Lebanese Civil War, and is now more aware of how precious our democracy and freedom are.

In late 2010, Fakih visited Fort Hood, Texas where she made a guest appearance with World Wrestling Entertainment stars, who put on a performance to show support for the troops.

Fakih is currently filming a "support our troops" video in which the Task Force Steel Dragon, 2nd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, currently deployed to southern Iraq will be the center of her support message.

"The dedication and sacrifices that the Task Force 2-82 is making is the reason our country is safe and free. The video message posted on missusa.com is a way for us to say thank you and we truly admire your courage. Because of brave men and women like you, I feel utterly proud to wear my sash every day." says Fakih.

The message can be viewed on her website, www.missusa.com, and will also be posted on the Steel Dragon Facebook page.

"Our work tempo here is difficult, almost non-stop, but when we do get some time to relax and talk to our families, the importance of our mission becomes evident. The fact that Miss USA, a symbol of our country and its freedom, can take the time to show her appreciation makes it that much easier to get up every morning and do our job," Sgt. 1st Class Justin Reeves, from Killeen, Texas explained.

Later this month, Fakih will step down from the Miss USA throne and relinquish her crown to Miss USA 2011.

A representative from the Miss USA organization said that the organization is committed to supporting our troops in any way possible. They also added that Fakih plans to pass her support of the Steel Dragons onto the next Miss USA.

Related Links:

Miss USA Website