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Wanted: Elite Soldier-athletes

By Tim HippsMay 31, 2011

Wanted: Elite Soldier-athletes
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Wanted: Elite Soldier-athletes
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Wanted: Elite Soldier-athletes
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Wanted: Elite Soldier-athletes
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ACTIVE-duty, Reserve and National Guard Soldiers who are competitive on the national and international levels in any Olympic sport can apply for the Army World Class Athlete Program.

The program allows Soldiers to train full time for a shot at the Olympics and World Championships.

All applicants must be eligible to represent the United States in international competitions. Officers must be branch-qualified, and enlisted Soldiers MOS-qualified. They also must demonstrate the potential to qualify for the U.S. Olympic Team or U.S. Paralympic Team.

Selection standards for each sport are listed at under Sports and World Class Athlete Program.

Related Links:

U.S. Army MWR: Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command