Best Warriors Compete in Physical Fitness Event

By Pfc. David E. Alvarado, 8th U.S. Army Public AffairsOctober 3, 2007

Best Warrior Stamina
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Best Warrior Pushes Past the Pain
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FORT LEE, Va. - Before the sun could break over the horizon, 26 Soldiers gathered for the Army Physical Fitness Test portion of the 6th Annual Department of The Army Best Warrior Competition.

"This is all a mental game," said Staff Sgt. Victor Trinidad, USFK Noncommissioned Officer of the year. "All I can do is take one event at a time."

In the pushup event, the 26- year-old Trinidad finished with 63 push ups, and the 22-year-old Sgt. Nicholas Johnson, USFK Soldier of the Year, earned 100 points with 80 push ups in less than a minute.

In the sit-up event, Trinidad came out with 76 sit-ups and Johnson completed 72 before having to 'tap out' early.

"I felt that I could have done better at the sit-ups, but I had an unexpected leg cramp," said Johnson.

In the two-mile run event, Johnson finished with a run time of 15:10, with Trinidad coming in a minute later.