Release of Change 1, Field Manual 3-0, Operations

By CAC-T for STAND-TO!February 21, 2011

Release of Change 1, Field Manual 3-0, Operations

What is it'

Field Manual (FM) 3-0 is one of the Army's two capstone doctrinal publications; the other is FM 1, The Army. FM 3-0 presents overarching doctrinal guidance and direction for conducting operations. Change 1 to FM 3-0 reinforces the primary role of commanders in military operations by emphasizing mission command, the means by which Army commanders command and control their forces. It reflects how the human dimension has taken precedence over technology, with emphasis on initiative and responsibility at all levels of command.

What has the Army done'

Change 1 to FM 3-0 updates the fifteenth edition of the Army's capstone operations manual. Change 1 reflects an evolved understanding after nine years of persistent conflict and its impact on how the Army operates. Key changes include replacing command and control with mission command as both a philosophy and a warfighting function, and replacing the 5 Army Information Tasks with Inform and Influence and Cyber/Electromagnetic activities. Other changes include adding hybrid threats to the discussion of the operational environment, describing security force assistance within stability operations, and adding chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high yield explosives (CBRNE) consequence management as a task within civil support,

What efforts does the Army plan to continue in the future'

The Army intends to sharpen doctrinal language regarding full-spectrum operations. The Army will emphasize its capability to conduct both combined arms maneuver and wide area security-the former necessary to gain the initiative and the latter necessary to consolidate gains and set conditions for stability operations, security force assistance, and reconstruction. The Army must be capable of both and often simultaneously. Moreover, in a competitive security environment, the kinds of threats the Army will confront in executing these two broad responsibilities are likely to be increasingly indistinguishable.

Why is this important to the Army'

The Army's experience illustrates that U.S. Forces cannot accurately predict the location, nature, or duration of the next conflict. Such an environment requires commanders who willingly take risks and command effectively even with degraded networks. The Army recognizes that capstone doctrine requires a change that better defines the art of command and the science of control in full spectrum operations. This environment does not forgive leaders who rely solely on technology or fail to act independently. Change 1 to FM 3-0 demonstrates how understanding the operational environment, as well as the problem to be solved, requires a methodology that expands beyond the military decision making process.


<a href="" target="_blank">U.S. Army Combined Arms Center website</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">Change 1, FM 3-0, Operations</a>