12th Chem. Co. trains for full spectrum operations

By Capt. Jennifer Dyrcz, 18th CSSB Public Affairs OfficeFebruary 11, 2011

12th Chem. Co. trains for full spectrum operations
(From left to right) Cpl. William Pendleton, a native of Edgewater, Fla., who works as an assistant team leader with the 12th Chemical Company; Staff Sgt. Krystall Nealy, a native of Portsmouth, Va., and a 12th Chem. Co. team leader; and Spc. Donmich... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

SCHWEINFURT, Germany - Even a blizzard of snow and blistering cold weather couldn't stop the Soldiers of the 12th Chemical Company from getting the most out of their field training exercise at Camp Robertson here Jan. 24-28.

"We are striving to create an environment conducive to full spectrum operations," said 1st Lt. Julie Strecker, a native of Longnont, Colo., who works as the 12th Chem. Co. executive officer.

The full spectrum operations training included Military Operations in Urban Terrain, decontamination training, site surveillance with the Biological Integrated Detection System and company mission essential task list requirements.

"The MOUT site training was a great refresher for both the veteran and new Soldiers because it helps to improve their Soldier deployment readiness," said Pfc. Jason Anderson, a native of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., who works as a BIDS specialist for the 12th Chem. Co.

"Our purpose for this field exercise is not only battle drills and job skills training but also to do this in a cold weather environment," said 1st Lt. Robyn Kersey, a native of Nashville, Tenn., who works as the 12th Chem. Co.'s 1st BIDS platoon leader.

With all the cold weather, the 12th Chem. Co. leadership took the opportunity to conduct cold weather training. Classes were held on heating system setup and safety as well as how to drive and maneuver in winter conditions, including blackout driving at night.

"Our (non commissioned officers) did an outstanding job in preparing both the classroom training and the practical exercise. I am proud of how well we all executed the skills we learned," said Cpl. William Pendleton, a native of Edgewater, Fla., who works as an assistant team leader for the 12th Chem. Co.