First Strike volunteers help relocate local charity

By Spc. Dalinda Hanna, 41st Fires Bde. PAOJanuary 19, 2011

FORT HOOD, Texas -  Spc. Cesar Navarrette, a Phoenix native and an allied trade specialist for the 575th Forward Support Company, 41st Fires Brigade, carries a box of household goods to help move the God's Word Ministries, a non-profit...
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT HOOD, Texas - Spc. Cesar Navarrette, a Phoenix native and an allied trade specialist for the 575th Forward Support Company, 41st Fires Brigade, carries a box of household goods to help move the God's Word Ministries, a non-profit organization, ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
FORT HOOD, Texas-Pfc. Kiswendsida Koanda, originally from Burkina Faso, West Africa, a power generator equipment repair specialist for the 575th Forward Support Company, 41st Fires Brigade, carries a box of window treatments to help move the God's...
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT HOOD, Texas-Pfc. Kiswendsida Koanda, originally from Burkina Faso, West Africa, a power generator equipment repair specialist for the 575th Forward Support Company, 41st Fires Brigade, carries a box of window treatments to help move the God's Wo... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT HOOD, Texas-Two Soldiers from the 575th Forward Support Company, 1st Battalion, 21st Field Artillery Regiment, volunteered their time to help move a local charity to a new location to better support the Central Texas community, Jan 12.

The God's Word Ministries is a non-profit organization that works in conjunction with the Habitat for Humanity and helps over 100 people a month. The organization offers counseling, education, household goods, and food services to the local community for around six years.

Rail Gunner Soldiers often help the ministry with volunteers to help counsel victims and general services to better support the local community.

"Today we are moving out of our storehouse to our office," said Angela Davis, the Texas director for the Killeen office for the God's Word Ministries. "This is going to be a great move and we will better be able to serve the community. The 41st Fires Bde. helps us with volunteers with whatever we need during the holiday seasons. I appreciate them helping."

The Soldiers in the 575th FSC heard about the organization through the Association of the United States Army. Even though the battalion was in the process of crew certification field exercises, Soldiers throughout the brigade were still able to offer time, money, or donate items whenever an organization needs assistance.

The Soldiers carried boxes and loaded up their personal vehicles to help with the move.

Pfc. Kiswendsida Koanda, a power generator equipment repair specialist for the 575th FSC, originally from Burkina Faso, West Africa, offered his time because he wanted to help the local population.

"I like to help and serve the community. Whenever my brigade asks for volunteers, I always volunteer," said Koanda. "I believe every Soldier should be involved in any kind of activity that helps his community."

Spc. Cesar Navarrette, a Phoenix native and an allied trade specialist for the 575th FSC, was offered the chance to volunteer and wanted to offer his time to support the organization.

"I volunteer because I like to work and if it helps someone else out it's a good thing," said Navarrette. "It is not easy to move from one place to another, so getting more hands to help will make it easier."