Explosives Safety Training

By Besty Kisling, DAC Training DirectorateJanuary 14, 2011

Are you new to the safety career field or have you received new duties with a safety emphasis' If so, the U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center (DAC), can assist with providing necessary explosive safety training to prepare you for your duties.

DAC offers more than 25 explosives safety courses, through self-paced distance learning and instructor-led training at locations throughout the world. Several courses, such as AMMO-28, Electrical Explosives Safety for Army Facilities, and AMMO-29, Electrical Explosives Safety for Naval Facilities, are tailored to specific Service requirements. Four new distance learning courses, AMMO-99-DL, AMMO-100-DL, AMMO-101-DL and AMMO-102-DL provide self-paced instruction on explosives safety quantity distance (ESQD) principles, Army safety site planning, and tutorials for using the Department of Defense Explosive Safety Board (DDESB) Approved Automated Quantity Distance Calculator.

To learn more about all explosives safety courses, go to the Defense Ammunition Center Training Directorate website - http://ammo.okstate.edu. Click on Course Catalog, then click on a course title for the course description, intended audience, and topics.

From the Course Catalog, click on a specific course title to register for instructor-led training. Available courses are listed by date and location. Contact the POC on the "Availability" tab to register. For distance learning registration, click on Online Training, then click the specific course title to self-register. Learners must have AKO accounts and CAC cards to register for distance learning.