Aviation Captains Career Course students give back to community

By Kelly Shultz, Army Flier StaffJanuary 6, 2011

Aviation Captains Career Course students give back to community
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT RUCKER, Ala. -- Students from the Aviation Captains Career Course Class 11-01 on Fort Rucker teamed up with Crossroads Church in Enterprise to help feed families in need this holiday season.

The 74 captains from the course collected non-perishable food items - enough to feed 27 families of four for a week - and delivered them to the church Dec. 16.

The class chose to support the food drive as part of its community project. Each class at the course gives back to the community through like projects throughout the year, said Maj. Dan Erskine, an instructor at the AVC3.

"These captains, with a very short turnaround, took advantage of a window of opportunity and helped out a lot of people in the local area," Erskine said. "It says a lot about our students-they saw the opportunity, ran with it and exceeded all expectations."

Similar to how they make things happen in the Army, the captains brought the help to the community in a short period of time. The captains decided to support the food drive Dec. 13, made a plan Dec. 14, collected the food Dec. 15 and delivered it to the church the next day, Erskine said.

"It felt awesome," he said. "The great thing about this program is people can drop by and get help with no questions asked and their dignity intact. People might be surprised about who needs help during the holidays - it could be your neighbors."

Crossroads Church Pastor Gene Oden said the food drive has been a great success, and added anyone in the community can donate food to the church's charity at any time.

"The bottom line is that people get to eat," he said. "We have recognized there is a need in the community, and we are trying to meet that need."

People who would like to take advantage of the free food should stop by the church, and people who would like to donate can stop by to pick up a list of items the church accepts. Crossroads Church is located at 501 Plaza Drive in Enterprise.